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Author Topic: Trying to use the MS16A to turn on outdoor camera's.  (Read 10646 times)


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Trying to use the MS16A to turn on outdoor camera's.
« on: August 23, 2006, 03:18:01 PM »

I purchased 4 camera's, and corresponding motion detectors, and the VCR commander and all the other stuff in a $400.00 package Order number 3127338.  Right now I am just trying to get the 2 B/W camera's in the front working.  I have two NightWatch 2 SC23A wired camera's on the front of my house in each corner.  Along with the camera's I also have 4 MS16A and a TM751 Transciever.

The TM751 was located on the first floor about the center of the house. 
The VCR and TV is located on the second floor where the wiring comes together.
I had the motion detectors with me at the VCR and was able to move in front of the motion detector and watch the appropriate camera turn on. 

I then moved the number one motion detector to the outside of the house.  I attached it to a board and then tested it's detection ability.  I did this on the North side of the house because that is the back yard and I didn't want an audience.  What I found mostly matched the detailed information I was pointed to on the web site.  However the 20' detection distance was not acceptable because my front yard is 40' deep from the road to the front of the house.  I want the camera's to record people at the edge of the road.

I attempted to have 2 motion detectors set as number 1 and 2 set as number 2.  I had one set (nr 1 and nr 2) on boards 20 feet from the road and the other set (nr 1 and nr 2) attached to the front (South side) of the house.

I found that I could not get the motion detectors to detect motion except sometimes when waving my hand in front of the lens.  I believe that having 2 motion detectors set to the same number caused the camera's to put out a signal that looks like a lot of noise probably from turning off and on rapidly.  I have a lot of difficulty getting the transciever to recognize the signal from the motion sensor.  When using the buttons on the MS16A to turn on and off the camera the transciever only sometimes received the signal.  We had some rain last night and now the MS16A's have some drops of water on the inside of the lens.  All seals are in place. 

So My questions are:

1.  Should the MS16A be able to detect motion at 20 feet on a sunny day?
2.  Is there a known problem having multiple MS16A's programmed to the same number?
3.  Is it normal to have moisture in the MS16A?
4.  Am I wasting my time trying to get this to work?




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Re: Trying to use the MS16A to turn on outdoor camera's.
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2006, 04:07:10 PM »

I'll try to answer these others may jump in with more detail
#1 motion detectors are heat sensitive so the hotter(sunnier) it is the poorer they'll detect
#2 motion sensors use number  + 1 (they use 2 unit codes) if you set one to #1 the next must be set to #3  or set them to the same unit number
#3 no it isn't normal to have moisture in the sensor But mine aren't out in the direct elements (protected with a over hang)
#4 you aren't wasting your time with your idea (you may however need to do some reading)

Do a search here as well as other home automation forums many people have done what your trying to do! ;) :D ;D
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Re: Trying to use the MS16A to turn on outdoor camera's.
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2006, 05:41:35 PM »

Thanks for the quick response. 

Ok well number 1 makes sense.  So maybe they will work better at night which will be better since the activity I expect will be at night.

I don't get number 2.  I had each motion detector set up for 1 and 2 and 3 and 4.  And they all worked fine in the house.  So the the explaination that they use 2 unit codes doesn't make sense.  I don't think these things are using the unit +1 option.

I can make a little cover for them to keep the rain out I guess. 

I will read up more but from the way this was presented on the web site it looked like a turn key operation.


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Re: Trying to use the MS16A to turn on outdoor camera's.
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2006, 06:15:46 PM »

Yes Sorry! I was a little vague with answer  #2  motion sensors transmit a OFF signal for daytime and ON for night time if you set one to A1 it will send  a1 on when motion is sensed then by default send a1 off after 2 min it will also send a2 on at dusk and off at dawn so setting another at a2 will get screwed up at some point. Some of the sensors can  be disable this function check the documentation. ;) by default I believe they are set to work this way. Some have opened the sensors and added tape over the light sensor so it always thinks it is in the dark! ;)
« Last Edit: August 23, 2006, 06:18:55 PM by Tuicemen »
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Re: Trying to use the MS16A to turn on outdoor camera's.
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2006, 07:01:24 PM »

Yes the good old Dusk Dawn sensor on one unit code above the motion code. Bites many folks.


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Re: Trying to use the MS16A to turn on outdoor camera's.
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2006, 09:41:36 PM »

Yes the good old Dusk Dawn sensor on one unit code above the motion code. Bites many folks.
But, it *IS* in the RTFM though! ;) [UnitCode Plus 1]

I have *ALL* of my MSxx Motion Sensors on a separate HouseCode just for THAT reason. :)

And I also use "UnitCode Plus 1" for > > > 1½-Way Status Reporting [Positive LOAD Feedback Loop!]  < < <

and I was surprised on the LACK OF FEEDBACK on it.  :o  :(  :'(

But, then again, I'm often surprised by things that I read about on this (new-fangled ) 'World-Wide-Web'.  ::)
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Re: Trying to use the MS16A to turn on outdoor camera's.
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2006, 01:52:00 PM »


Well it is working after setting all the motion detectors to 1, 3, 5, and 7.  Got a cool overcast day and noticed that the motion detectors were seeing the cars on the road go by.  I pulled the two closest to the road and the ones that were 40 feet from the road are still seeing the cars on cool damp days. 

I got 2 socketrockets to turn on the floods to help the nightwatch camera's see in the dark.  They are set to 1 and 3 like the camera's and the motion detectors.  They seem to be working pretty well although I think I have some intermittency there also.  I will have to check that out with some more testing and reading.  ;)

Thanks for your help.

HA Dave

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Re: Trying to use the MS16A to turn on outdoor camera's.
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2006, 08:20:17 PM »

  I didn't think the socket rockets where rated for outside use. You may want to consider replacing your floodlights with the X-10 floodlight!

They can turn on your cameras, plus lights inside (as well as being motion sensor floodlights) and they have GREAT range! I use one to turn on my camera as well as a light and a chime.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2006, 07:50:50 PM by Dave_x10_L »
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