I have read several tutorials on phase coupling and power line noise and I have a few questions.
First, here is my problem.
I have 15 X10 modules (9 2-prong and 6 3-prong, all one-way). I can turn all of them off and on with no issues. However, if I turn on a power intensive light like my 96Wattx2 compact flourescents or my 150watt Metal Halide lights then I am unable to turn anything on or off.
I am assuming that this is due to noise in the line. My question is about filters. Where would I put a fliter in this situation? I read that all of the x-10 modules must be on the same side of the filter. Does this mean that I plug my power strips into the filter and then the filter into the wall? That wouldnt seem right because then the controller would have to send signals through the filter which wont work...so, advice is needed!