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Author Topic: Switch 2Way and multiple action  (Read 13000 times)


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Switch 2Way and multiple action
« on: October 28, 2006, 06:41:32 PM »

I'm planning to buy many Wall Switch SmartHome 2Way.
I'm able to get info coming from Mini Controller when press ON or OFF
I'm able to get these info when Press ON (or OFF) once or Twice.
I can excute any command in VB6 if a button ON of OFF pressed twice (or 3) etc .
I use a function dattediff() for a first command and a second command. And if a dattediff is < 2sec, so I execute another function !

My question is :
Does I can detect coming from Wall Switch SmartHome 2Way, if a button OFF is pressed once or twice ?

Or, in others words, because I have difficulty has to express me in English (I'm french):

Does these wall switchs are able to send many times a same signal in wired house when pressed fastly many times a On or OFF button ?



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Re: Switch 2Way and multiple action
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2006, 09:24:59 PM »

I think what you are trying to say is this:

 Will your program accurately detect the number of presses from your 2way Smart home module within a 2 second period?

The mini controller sends signal by radio frequency. Therefore, I assume you are using a Computer module that can detect radio frequency signals such as the CM15 Active Home Pro or a CM11 used in conjunction with a transceiver ( a module that can translate radio frequency signals to power line signals; e.g. RR501)

The best way to answer your question is to perform a simple test in Visual Basic 6--which I have just done.

Just add the ahscript.dll component to your form. And paste the following code into the RecvAction event of the ActiveHome1 component.

     Debug.Print bszAction, bszParm1, bszParm2, bszParm3, bszParm4,  bszParm5, bszReserved

Here's the output I received in the Immediate Window:


recvrf        e1            On             0            10/29/2006 12:56:02 AM      10/29/2006 12:56:02 AM                   
recvrf        e1            On            -1            10/29/2006 12:56:02 AM      10/29/2006 12:56:02 AM                   
recvrf        e2            Off            0            10/29/2006 12:56:03 AM      10/29/2006 12:56:03 AM                   
recvplc       e1            On                                                                   
recvrf        e2            Off           -1            10/29/2006 12:56:03 AM      10/29/2006 12:56:03 AM                   
recvrf        e3            On             0            10/29/2006 12:56:03 AM      10/29/2006 12:56:03 AM                   
recvplc       e2            Off                                                                   
recvrf        e3            On            -1            10/29/2006 12:56:04 AM      10/29/2006 12:56:04 AM                   
recvplc       e3            On                                                                   


In this example, I am using a Remote wall switch (SS13A) which sends radio frequency (rf) signals which are picked up by the CM15.

As you can see from the results, the program has no problem picking up the signals. However, I must be careful not to hold my finger down too long on the button or the wall switch will send more than 1 rf signal. I'm not familiar with the mini controller, but if it behaves in the same way as the remote wall switch, then you have to take this into consideration in your programming.

The first 3 lines of output reveal that the wall switch sent 2 radio frequency signals to turn on Module e1 even though I only pressed the button once. And the total lines of output reveal that I pushed 3 buttons within a two second time interval.

If you're concerned about response time, using the CM15 on the Universal serial bus should be no problem. Shouldn't really be a problem either using the CM11 over the serial port. Of course, you also have to consider the reliability of your signal path. The remote wall switch I'm using is only 3 feet away from the CM15. But how dependable would the transmission be 30 or 40 feet away?

In general, I would say the answer to your question is YES! But you have to take the above potential problems into consideration.




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Re: Switch 2Way and multiple action
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2006, 10:11:31 PM »

The mini controller sends signal by radio frequency.
The Mini Controller transmits signals to the Modules over my existing house wiring. A signal is sent when remove pressure from button, so I can press any time and just 1 command is detected when remove pressure from a button. I noticed this in RecvAction event VB6. Note also that I'm programmer in VB6 since many years, so not a problem for this aspect !

I ask me if 2way Smarthome module will give me a same result ?

I want to buy many switch 2way Smarthome module, but I don't know if these modules can send over my existing house wiring just when I remove pressure from button !

Does you, or anyone, have a wall switch smarthome and say me if this could work ?



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Re: Switch 2Way and multiple action
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2006, 12:23:39 AM »

I don't think the wall switchs from smarthome will send out X10 signals when pressed.  It will receive X10 signals, and only send replys to status requests.   

At least that's how i used to understand modules worked.   Charles Sullivan pointed out in a previous post somewhere that the 2000STW from smarthome does that but it is discontinued.

Maybe he (or someone else who's tested this) will bump into this post soon and respond. 

If not,  I don't think he'll mind if you send him a message directly.

Charles Sullivan

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Re: Switch 2Way and multiple action
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2006, 10:42:56 AM »

I've received your PM.

I'm afraid I have no personal experience with details of Smarthome wall switch operation.  The only Smarthome module I own is the LampLinc 2000STW which is a plug-in lamp dimmer.

The following two Smarthome wall switches send out  X10 signal when they're operated:
    ToggleLinc 2-Way Dimmer (With Boosterlinc), White Item# 23890W
    ToggleLinc 2-Way Switch (With Boosterlinc), White   Item# 23893W  (for fluorescents)

(Note: ALL 2-way wall switches from ANY manufacturer require a Neutral wire in the switch box.)

The owner manual seems reasonably detailed as to what's sent:

I don't know whether the BoosterLinc feature will cause problems with the CM15A.  Smarthome dimming switches use the Preset Dim commands which aren't reported properly in the AHP Activity Monitor; I don't know if you can receive these signals properly with the SDK functions.  There are a number of posts on the forum; do a search on "togglelinc" to see what you can find out.  However I suggest that the ONLY way you'll be able to know FOR CERTAIN whether these switches will be suitable for your needs is to buy one and try it out.

Yesterday it worked.
Today it doesn't work.
X10 on Windows is like that.

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Re: Switch 2Way and multiple action
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2006, 11:28:44 AM »

The Smarthome Icon and Insteon Switches do send an X10 on or off; on the Primary X10 Address; if one is set. Dimming is different. You hold a paddle to dim and no continuous dims; like X10s are; are sent. When you release the paddle it sends a dim % command that their modules can understand; but X10s will not. Not sure what the SDK would see.
As Charles said. You do need a neutral in the wall switch box for two way switches. Also two way switches have a powerline transmitter in them that also absorb X10 signals so marginally OK systems with normal one way switches may get flaky as two way ones are added.


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Re: Switch 2Way and multiple action
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2006, 01:42:22 PM »

The SmartHome 2-way switches when pressed twice will send the following code:


so for example if the switch was set to A1, pressing the top of the module twice would send the following:

A1 - A_ON - A_ON

Unfortunately AHP macros will only respond to the first command received after an address, but I think the SDK should be able to detect both commands.
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