Ok.. as I posted in another location (
http://www.x10community.com/forums/index.php?topic=10893.0) I tried everything I could think of to figure out this problem.
From what I can gather all of us having the issue are seeing the exact same failure message in MyHouse Status panel.
0 12:33:48.984 Start Connection...
1 12:33:49.078 Connecting to MyHouse Service..
2 12:34:05.796 Cannot Connect to MyHouse Service
3 12:34:05.796 Verify MyHouse Plugin-in Registration
4 12:34:05.828 Disconnected from MyHouse Service
5 12:34:05.828 Trying to Reconnect...
6 12:34:05.859 Start Connection...
7 12:34:05.953 Connecting to MyHouse Service..
8 12:34:22.046 Cannot Connect to MyHouse Service
9 12:34:22.062 Verify MyHouse Plugin-in Registration
10 12:34:22.093 Disconnected from MyHouse Service
11 12:34:22.093 Waiting 0 s to Reconnect
12 12:34:22.125 Start Connection...
Technical support ensured me it was a problem on my end. So I am attempting to eliminate this as a possibility.
Router- Linksys WRG54T (wired/wireless combo)
cable modem - 60194E-A02 (Charter Cable.. manufacturer not apparent)
Test PC - Hard Wired ENet
Connection Verified via - x10 site
http://www.x10.com/support/netinfo/netinfo.htmConnectivity via Browser (both IE7.0 and Firefox) to
http://myhouse.x10.com/ - works fine
1) Test MyHouse via Status Panel -- failure codes above reported
2) Delete C:\Program Files\Common Files\X10\Common\x10prod.sys (had to Show All Files in folder options)
3) Reboot PC
4) Start AHP
5) Plugins showing not Registered
6) cancel registration
7) Myhouse option not showing

register with a made up Reg Code
9) registration FAILED.. stated improper code
10) Register with my real Code
11) Registration Passed on all software (AHP, MyHouse, OnAlert, Smartmacro, IWitness)
12) Attempt connection to MyHouse vis Status Panel in AHP - Fail showing code above
13) Remove PC from Router and connect direct to cable modem.. disable all virus protection
14) Reset modem and reboot PC
15) Test MyHouse via Status Panel - Failed with above codes
16) Remove C:\Program Files\Common Files\X10\Common\x10prod.sys again...
17) retest MyHouse via Status Panel
18) Noted when starting AHP that plugins showed still registered..
19) Retest Failed with above codes
20) Reboot PC
21) restart AHP.. Re Register to enable MyHouse
22) Retest failed with above codes
23) Remove ENet cable severing Internet Connection
24) Reboot PC
25) Start AHP
26) Shows Registration is Good on all Plug In's
27) Recheck MyHouse via Status Panel
28) Instant failures..
0 13:09:23.671 Start Connection...
1 13:09:23.890 Disconnected from MyHouse Service
2 13:09:23.906 Trying to Reconnect...
3 13:09:23.968 Start Connection...
4 13:09:24.015 Disconnected from MyHouse Service
5 13:09:24.046 Waiting 0 s to Reconnect
6 13:09:24.078 Start Connection...
7 13:09:24.109 Disconnected from MyHouse Service
8 13:09:24.140 Waiting 8 s to Reconnect
9 13:09:27.312 Stop Connection...
29) Delete File
30) Reboot
31) Attempt Re registration
32) failed.. Registration Failure: Could Not Retrieve
33) Re set up PC via Router again
34) Verify Port Forwarding 1 - 8999 and DMZ for the IP
35) Register AHP and software.. Successful
36) retest shows the Original Failure codes.
This is not a problem on my end unless it is specifically with IE 7.0. I will next test this on a system that is running the old IE to verify that is not the issue. It seems that AHP connects to a server to verify Registration upon initial setup, but relies on the "file" afterwards for verification. It is obvious I am able to connect to myhouse.x10.com with no issue but my registration is showing incorrect on the server.
yep.. i'm gonna go nuts!!