Assuming your using XP go into C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers and replace the file CA506AV.SYS with the one from C:\Program Files\Common Files\X10\DriverInstall\VA11A Video Capture
Hopefuly that will help!
Click on file properties and see if they match these:
File version:
Copyright: Copyright (C) X10 Wireless Technology 2000-2001
Under other version info check:
File version value= 2,0,0,55
internalName value= ca506av.sys
One other thing are you using an ATI video card?
There are some issues with some of them.
Do an advanced search here and you'll find the fix if that is the case.
Hello, I have the 4 camera system with webview an multiview. I installed them and, through mainly random actions, was able to get Multiview to work. I checked this forum over and over and validated that my random actions were in keeping with the known solutions. Fortunately I found the posts on opening ports 8080/8888 and now have web view working.
I am running the Multiview and Webview on an Athalon 4200+ system with WinXPsp2 and an ATI AIW Radeon 8500DV (yes, I was an early AIW adopter).
After all of this things were looking pretty good until my machine just rebooted after a day or so. I checked the logs and reset the machine to not autostart and have ID'ed the culprit as ca506av.sys (per the BSOD which I now see). My device registrations all appear to have the proper naming conventions and driver versions so I am thinking it is related to my ATI card.
I see the notes about advanced searching for solutions for ATI cards and that I would find a fix but unfortunately I have done multiple Advanced searches and not really found a direct hit AFAIK.I would appreciate any help that anyone can provide. Even pointing me to a link would be a big help as I have read literally hundreds of posts in this forum with no real success. So close but so far !
Note: Edited the post to make the subject more consistent with the actua problem as I am not interested in calling support nor a lawsuit. I replied to this thread and it's original post because it also had BSOD in Multiview and webview due to ca506av.sys and is the closest to my situation. The thread has the best debugging (or links to debugging) for my situation until it hits the ATI Card comments and the trail went cold (and advanced searches didn't really help either).