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Author Topic: Zones blinking (slowly) on DS7000 Powerhouse Console  (Read 25755 times)


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Re: Zones blinking (slowly) on DS7000 Powerhouse Console
« Reply #15 on: November 10, 2006, 08:13:44 AM »

OK guys, just wanted to thank everyone here.  I centrally located my DS7000 console in my house (which was also away from my new Voice cable modem noted above), and all has been well for close to a week now.  I no longer have slow-blinking zones - my home and my family are safe !  So, in summary, I guess it was either that my console was at a remote end of the house OR the new modem was causing some kind of RF interference.  I'm assuming the latter, since everything was working for a couple of weeks, before the problem manifested, but it could be a combination of the 2.

I "thanked" all the pertinent comments that got me through this dilemma (and quickly, I might add) !

Thanks again to all of your contributions !




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Re: Zones blinking (slowly) on DS7000 Powerhouse Console
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2007, 09:15:15 PM »

ok but if you ever need to reinstall a sensor after the batteris are out then you do not have to reset the entire system just install the batteries, press the test button on the unit, put your system in to the install mode and then activate your sensor it will then be installed back to the original coe and position. I also had a unit give me the same proble, i changed the unit and the blinking came back even with the new unit. I taped a peice of wire 9 1/2" long to the side of it and my problem whent away.
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