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Author Topic: [WTB] Indoor Wired System with Snap Shot Triggered by video motion (Not PIR)  (Read 4911 times)

Ed Ration

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  • Posts: 1

I'm looking for a low cost wired system for indoor use that does this:

1. Expandable to 4 cameras.
2. IRLED night vision automatically activated by light level but with option for manual (keyboard) activation.
3. Has PTZ mode. (could live without it if too expensive or unavailable)
4. Normal use will be non-recording and non-viewing but would become activated by a change in the picture (not by a separate PIR sensor). In this case it would record a max res snapshot and follow with a recorded burst of 20 seconds video. It would then reset if the "motion" had ceased or continue if it had not.
5. Remote "off site" monitoring is not needed.
7. Don't want wireless.

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