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Author Topic: Lights not coming on at night.  (Read 6689 times)


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Lights not coming on at night.
« on: November 15, 2006, 03:04:50 PM »

I have a DC8700 console that I was having issues with , there were stations that would blink for no apparent reason. I read a posting on here and when I moved my console to the other side of my desk , problem solved. But my newest problem is that at dusk my lights used to come on, now they dont. If I hit the lights on button on the console, they come on, and @10:30 at night they go off automatically.  Any ideas why they are not coming on at night. I have had ORAC resync my console 3 times already but so far no luck. I don't understand why they will accept the signal to come on if I push the button on the console but wont come on by them selves. They are all set to A13 and they worked before.  Any suggestions??
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