I've been using AHP with all macros for about a yeat. I have a fairly simple setup with a mix of cameras for monitoring and basic home automation. I connect remotely to check up on things while away. One capability that I previously utilized with XRay Vision was to periodically FTP a set of images to my web site. This allowed for easy image review from any computer. All I had to do was point a browser to my web location. With AHP the FTP function basically works. The error is in that with each new FTP a unique file name, appended with time and date info, gets written to my web site. Therefore I cannot effectively use AHP to support a webcam. I have gone back and forth checking and unchecking the optional 'append time and date box' under preferences X10 support acknowledged and reproduced the error over 6 months ago but have never followed up with an explanation or resolution. Does anyone have insight into the nature of the defect in AHP or any workaround? Thanks in advance for feedback.