To Whom It May Concern:*PLEASE* comply with Step #1 in Post #1.
- 1.) Get a Yahoo! ID with the same ID that you use here (i.e. TakeTheActive).
- Got to and sign up. It's *FREE*!
- If you already have a Yahoo! account, but with a different ID, create a new one (to avoid confusion as to who's who). It's *FREE*!
- If your ID is already taken, ADD A NUMBER to the end and try again (i.e. TakeTheActive1).
- If the NUMBER idea is *TOTALLY* repulsive to you, ADD '_X10' to the end and try again (i.e. TakeTheActive_X10).
This is *NOT* meant to come across as an attempt to be difficult or confrontational - I politely asked everyone joining
TTA's CHAT to use a certain
Yahoo! ID as a "
Standard", and for future use as a "
Sorting Tool" if/when the list of
TTA's CHAT Members grows to ( let's say, > 20) more than can be displayed on the related
Yahoo! Messenger screen without scrolling.
Yahoo! IDs are *FREE*, so, you can have as many as you want, with *WHATEVER* names you want. But, for this application,
*PLEASE* use your
X10 "Community" ID. If it's already taken, try adding a number to the end (as per the original instructions, re-posted above). If you *REALLY* detest the number suffix, then try "
_X10" at the end. As a
VOLUNTEER, you want a
NEWBIE to be able to find your
Yahoo! Messenger ID as easily (and confusion-free) as possible - don't they already have enough problems?

X10" at the beginning is *REALLY* not a good idea -
it creates TWO lists (
TakeTheActive-style *AND*
X10TakeTheActive-style). In programming, many of us prefix a valid fieldname with a
lowercase z in order to get it to sort to the bottom (and, temporarily out of the way). Hopefully, everyone will understand my point and I won't have to harp on this...

Thanks in advance to
EVERYONE for their cooperation!