But, I *AM* logged into my Yahoo! E-Mail! So, exactly *WHAT* does this ' ' mean?
this little Icon obviously means your logged on to yahoo it doesn't mean your on the chat
and this only works if you have
"allow yahoo web site to show when I'm online" checked in the preferences!
so the little smiley face means nothing IMHO, many NEWBIEs "THINK" they're talking to X10 Corp when they logon here to COMPLAIN / SCREAM / YELL. *IF* we *STOP* answering *EVERY* question, just maybe some of them will start to READ and follow our suggestions / requests... [I have. ]
someone will always answer! so thats a no win battle!

I sat in and refreshed the
"who's online screen"while chatting with KDR last night many Guests were reading some very helpful posts these may become newbies so saying that newbies don't spend any time isn't entirely true!
Some were even reading this thread which shocked me!
Let me tell you - if someone is SO *DIM* that they cannot associate a SPECIFIC Yahoo! CHAT ROOM NUMBER with one of our POSTED YIMs, well, personally, I don't think that I want to even ATTEMPT to explain the intracacies of getting semi-reliable X10 operation to them!
Problem is the rooms we currently use aren't specific enough
"computers&internet" room
"electronics" if you've been logged on or sat in one for very long you'd see
questions that are asked have nothing to do with Home automation thats why I requested
HomeAutomation as a room name as did KDR!
If all six of us start the campain which I doubt will happen it would be a start!
The Six of us are just the ones who stated they were willing to help in chat!
Or did I read your original post wrong?

and if I did then what is this
TTA's "Community" Chat Volunteers
So to those who read this thread and would like Yahoo to have a chat room for
HomeAutomation even if you think you'd only sit in on it and watch!
Heres the e-mail address to start the flood!
Yahoo Messengertell them you'd like this particular room
Home Automation as KDR and I have stated!
We might be fighting a losing battle with this,
but it's a easy one to win if you wish to be a "WINNER"