You shouldn't have given the yearly figure.

all 87 modules (that's a whole lot of module) is taking up about 7kwH per day.
That's kinda high.. but still less than a dollar a day for all that automation.
Keeping it in perspective.
Less than 1 cents a day per module.
A energy efficient refrigerator take up beteen 3-7kwH a day.
A computer running 24/7 will take up 3-5kwH a day.
My AC peeked at 30kwH per day during summer.
(always someone home this year...)
Would have came out to $400 a month (not a year), if I hadn't
install a 4.5kW solar panel that product 35kwH/day during
summer. (pricey up front payment / investment)
Even if you are able to reduce the module's consuption by say 20%,
that .20 * 293 / 12 = $5 savings per month. How many cents
will you save a day?
You have a lot of modules, and yearly figures will seem high sometimes.
Being energy conscious is a great thing, but keep it in perspective
and it won't seem as bad.
For a about 80 cents a day for the level of automation you
get with 80+ modules, It's not such a bad argument if phrased
My X10 automation turns on lights at night when needed and shuts
of lights when no one is there. It has it's own way of conserving energy.
Consider being able to turn on and off christmas lights and not worry
about forgetting and leaving it on.... Walking into the closet and the
lights turn on. Etc, etc. It's the cost of an high tech lifestyle.
Be careful not to make it seem like a hobby cost. At 87 modules,
it should start doing convenient stuff for the family that use to be a pain
to deal with without.
I Just make sure the stuff my wife likes work well, and everyone is happy.