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Author Topic: Powerflash and Macros  (Read 7824 times)


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Powerflash and Macros
« on: November 21, 2006, 02:05:37 PM »

I need some help or advice.  I've looked through most of the forums and have tried numerous things but am still unable to get this to work.

I have a powerflash on my garage door.  When the door opens, a light turns on.  It is in the "monitored" codes for AHP.

I'm trying to use the powerflash to indicate to AHP that the door is open and after a delay, shut the door by way of a universal module.  I've tried to have the powerflash to start macros and I've tried using module status condition in macros.  Neither will work with the powerflash as an indicator.  The macros work when I trip the dummy module with the powerflash ID.  But, the powerflash does not communicate to the AHP that the status is on (open).  If I have the powerflash trip a 2-way lamp module, I can see the status on the screen of AHP change for that device under the same code, but the monitored status does not change.  IE..the status report still shows the module as off. 

How can I use the powerflash to change the status in AHP?



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Re: Powerflash and Macros
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2006, 02:19:56 PM »

Does the Activity Monitor show that it received the PowerFlash PLC ON signal?

If not, the signal may be too weak by the time it reaches the CM15A (electrical distance, passing near noisy electronics, etc.); but strong enough on it's path to turn the light ON.


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Re: Powerflash and Macros
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2006, 03:50:56 PM »

Thanks Puck.

No, the Activity monito does not show any activity of the powerflash.

I have plugged the 2-way lamp switch beside the AHP device (cm15 i think) and the 2-way works.  So it appears that the signal from the powerflash is making it that far.  When the 2-way activates, it registers in AHP and indicates an "expanded code" in the activity monitor.  But, it will not initiate a macro or work in a condition for a macro.

Since it appears the signal strength is not enough for AHP, is there a way to activate using the 2-way. 

Or, do you have any suggestions about increasing the strength. 

I have an amplifier/bridge already wired into my panel and it works good.

Thanks for any help.


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Re: Powerflash and Macros
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2006, 04:21:19 PM »

I suggest you try to tackle this in a few stages:

  • Move the PowerFlash closer to the CM15A (i.e. on the same breaker circuit) if you can, to see if you can get it to register in the activity monitor
  • Once you get the PowerFlash reaching the CM15A, then test for macro triggering
  • If you can get that to work, move it back to the Garage Door and look for what is causing signal degradation

Check out TTA's links on MAP / MEASURE / CORRECT for some good troubleshooting tips. ESPECIALLY MAPPING YOUR CIRCUITS.  ;)  :)

If you still have problems, post what you tried and what happened. And keep in mind that when looking for noise sources / signal suckers, you have to completely unplug it (unless of course it's already on an X10 power filter.)  ;)

Since it appears the signal strength is not enough for AHP, is there a way to activate using the 2-way.

I believe these 2-way devices just send a status message. To trigger a Macro, they would have to send an X10 ON or OFF command.
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