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Author Topic: Vanguards won't work with remote connection  (Read 13650 times)

Dave Butler

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Vanguards won't work with remote connection
« on: March 12, 2007, 02:27:12 PM »

I have 2 ActiveHome Pro systems at 2 different locations, both with multiple standard (robotic) cameras and each with one Vanguard Camera as well.  Everything works fine on the installed (host) computer, but when connecting through the internet, via the myhouse ActiveHome remote program,the pushbutton menus for the presets won't work on the Vanguards.  Through a complicated macro, I can get the program to run the robotic mount program with the Vanguard connected, and I can use the 4 presets and other tilt and pan functions (not zoom, of course), but it's not a very friendly solution.  X10 support won't comment on the problems except to say that I should reinstall the software (which I have done to no avail).  Does anybody have a Vanguard camera (with or without other "standard" cameras that will perform all of the functions correctly with the remote connection?  I can get it to work through a program like, but the graphics are very very slow.  I can be reached directly at my email, ... Thanks!


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Re: Vanguards won't work with remote connection
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2007, 06:28:55 PM »

So the presets work for the regular pan/tilt bases, but not the Vanguard cameras? Do the names of the Vanguard presets come through if you change them on the host computer?
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