I looked at a lot of the results from your link. I checked several and none carry any X10 iitems. One is an E-bay auction site. Not what you call "get it quickly".
Sorry Dan my mistake!
I've been doing Web searches for so long I really thought it was more comman place than it apparently is.
Many of the electronic vendors listed have no Web Site (to speak of), however all have phone numbers. I actually tried calling a couple vendors, but the time difference made it difficult
In the link I provided: the top three, and bottom three, are "ad sponsored Sites" (thats a profit thing) and are not specific (in this case to location) to my search.
The Sites worth checking (because the user needs a local vendor) are numbered (in the center) 1 - 10. THEN AGAIN after clicking the catagory listing at the left.
Using this method I've been able to locate most anything (even X10 modules), even here in "POEDUNK", where I live.