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Author Topic: RF range for window sensors  (Read 7483 times)


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RF range for window sensors
« on: January 19, 2007, 01:50:09 PM »

I'm trying to set up my window sensors and they are all out of range it seems.  I have searched around on this site and it seems the range issue has been talked about alot, but I didn't find anyhting that would help me.  Is there a way to extend the signal from the window sensors, or convert it to the powerline so that it reaches?  I have read about transceivers, but I'm not sure that would do what I want.  Thanks for the input.


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Re: RF range for window sensors
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2007, 02:32:49 PM »

I'm trying to set up my window sensors and they are all out of range it seems.  I have searched around on this site and it seems the range issue has been talked about alot, but I didn't find anyhting that would help me.  Is there a way to extend the signal from the window sensors, or convert it to the powerline so that it reaches?  I have read about transceivers, but I'm not sure that would do what I want.  Thanks for the input.

Security sensors (E.G. DS10A Door / Window Sensors) do not use standard X10 PLC protocol, so they cannot be tranceived to the power lines. Placement of your base station (PS561) should be your first option. Look in a straight line from the sensor to where the PS561 is. Check if the RF signal has to pass through metal objects (stove, fridge, furnace, duct work inside of walls & floors, etc.) Try to position the PS561 where all sensors have a clear RF view.

If there are no obstructions and you just are not getting enough range (and your batteries are good), then check out the antenna passive repeater link in TTA's post here: Re: Project To Increased Range CM15A

Recently, paulnoel12 did the same thing and found it improved his range: Re: [OPINION] Has Anyone Tried the Smart RF Repeater (SR731)?


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Re: RF range for window sensors
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2007, 08:25:04 PM »

Yes what i did to my units is working very good so far. I was even having a problem with one sensor that would tell me that batteries were low after about an hour after i installed them. I cut a piece of 9 1/2" wire and taped it to the side of the DS10A and now it works good. I also taped a 9 1/2' piece of wire to the antenna on my cm15A and with the combination of the two I can reach about 200feet from my cm15A to my ds10A
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