Depends On what you wish to do with this !

A lot that the webpage states you can do you can only do if you have all the other plugins!
You can't video a intruder with out the
video plug-in(what ever they're calling it now)
You can't send your self a email stating which sensor tripped with out the plug-in
My-HouseYou can't make complicated conditional macros with out
Now if you just wish to trigger/flash some lights then you'll need a security remote or key flob, some door window sensors, and some motion sensors
If you wish to play sounds a program to play your specified sound eg.
Topic: X10WavPlayer(Add Sound to AHP) (Read 3997 times) If you just wish it to trigger a horn then you'll need the power horn or one of the other X10 chimes!
If you wish it to call your cell phone or another phone then you'll need a security console or
Topic: Phone Control (AlertDialer) Addon (Read 4095 times) and a voice modem!