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Author Topic: NO SUPPORT  (Read 14097 times)

-Bill- (of

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« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2007, 11:16:58 PM »

(we are not X10 employees)
Thats A good Idea too many newbies think the users here work for X10!

But you two (as well as others) do work for X10. Think about this people...

Do you really think X10 would let 'John Doe' from off the street run their forum (Community Organizer's)? Of course not.
'Hero Member's' would spend so much time (years and lots of posts) here if they weren't paid? Would you?

The reason they claim non-employee status is they can easily claim they don't know or not be held responsible, the X10 way.
The people that are NOT intellectually challenged will see the truth to my statement.

So... For nearly 8 months now you have come here to ask for help, and now you accuse us all of being either liars or idiots?   :o   ???   >:(

FYI, most of us here are just fellow X10 users that enjoy helping each other (most of the CO's too).  I feel sad for you that your only motivation for helping people is money (per your statement about "Hero Members" above)... truly sad.
-Bill- (of

In the real world, the only constant is change.

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« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2007, 07:15:18 AM »

Quote from: Mavrik
The people that are NOT intellectually challenged will see the truth to my statement.
Perhaps you should look in a mirror.

If these people were truly X10 employees why would they not simply delete this thread and ban you? ???

Most of the CO's started out as newbies, asking questions and gaining knowledge over years of using X10 products.  They, in my opinion, enjoy helping others and don't mind sharing their knowledge. They receive nothing in return for their tireless efforts but grief from people like you.

As Bill said
I feel sad for you that your only motivation for helping people is money (per your statement about "Hero Members" above)... truly sad.
  Welll put Bill.

I for one would like to say

_ _ ...  ..._ _


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« Reply #17 on: March 15, 2007, 10:20:50 AM »

The people that are NOT intellectually challenged will see the truth to my statement.

Total Members: 7575

I wonder how many are "intellectually challenged???

Do you have some facts you can share or are you just assuming? (The word assuming was chosen for it's true meaning.)

I have posted problems in appropriate sections with no resolution. In fact, none of the problems I have posted have been resolved by X10 staff. Potential victims have the right to know.

Total Posts: 18 posts
Total Topics: 5 topics

Topics Started
July 18, 2006: Macros changing sequences by itself : 13 Replies
September 20, 2006: Ninja Remote (CR14A) Stopped Controlling. : 2 Replies
November 13, 2006: Ninja won't stop sweeping. : 4 Replies
February 24, 2007: Macros and timers don't run from CM15A interface : 2 Replies
Yesterday: Wireless Solar Ninja Pan Tilt : 0 Replies (yet)

The only truth in your statement is "none of the problems I have posted have been resolved by X10 staff". It does appear many volunteers have donated their personal time to try and help you. Unless of course you are upset that yesterday's topic has not received any replies(?)

Instead of saying thanks to people who try to help you, you call them "liars" and "intellectually challenged". Very sad indeed!



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« Reply #18 on: March 15, 2007, 01:29:44 PM »

The people that are NOT intellectually challenged will see the truth to my statement.

Total Members: 7575

I wonder how many are "intellectually challenged???

Do you have some facts you can share or are you just assuming? (The word assuming was chosen for it's true meaning.)

I have posted problems in appropriate sections with no resolution. In fact, none of the problems I have posted have been resolved by X10 staff. Potential victims have the right to know.

Total Posts: 18 posts
Total Topics: 5 topics

Topics Started
July 18, 2006: Macros changing sequences by itself : 13 Replies
September 20, 2006: Ninja Remote (CR14A) Stopped Controlling. : 2 Replies
November 13, 2006: Ninja won't stop sweeping. : 4 Replies
February 24, 2007: Macros and timers don't run from CM15A interface : 2 Replies
Yesterday: Wireless Solar Ninja Pan Tilt : 0 Replies (yet)

The only truth in your statement is "none of the problems I have posted have been resolved by X10 staff". It does appear many volunteers have donated their personal time to try and help you. Unless of course you are upset that yesterday's topic has not received any replies(?)

Instead of saying thanks to people who try to help you, you call them "liars" and "intellectually challenged". Very sad indeed!

Mavrik:  ADT will gladly take your money on a monthly basis and do the legwork for you to get your home secured.  I assume you are here because you are a DIY kind of person and take pride in saving money, learning how to use electronics/technology, and securing your home.  I think it is great that I can post questions or concerns, no matter how obvious the answers are, and not be judged for it.  In addition, the people you are insulting are very prompt at helping me understand the X10 technology and hardware and investigating my problems until it they are resolved and I am satisfied with the results.  We are lucky to have the resources in this forum to protect our homes.  Please think through your frusterations before flaming nearly everyone in this forum that tries to help X10 novices get things running smoothly.  You sound like a kid cryng over spilled milk.
What has your home done for you today?
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