Well, I guess you are having the same problems I'm having with the same results!
Purchased 4 camera system form these guys and the software just won't work
I have PC, running xp with pentium 4 processor.....
I installed camera's and Vanguard software on my computer, program worked for about 24 hours and then crashed!
After several attemps to get program up and running I then called tech support for their company and was given instructions to reinstall program.
Suprise! the program would NOT uninstall.
I had to wipe clean my entire computer HD to get the program out !
Next, I called tech support and after 1.5 hours trying to get the program to work he gave up and told me to call the next day because he was going home.
I then downloaded xray software, it too never worked
While I was able to get it to show pic's from the camera's on the server side, the remote viewing only worked from my server location!
So, I then went to this forum where I found out the many, many customers were having the exact same problems I was having.
The lesson here is we both did not do our homework, after looking around the web I noticed that most all other security camara companies were charging alot more for their systems and the systems were much more professional looking.
I sent back one of the cameras after 3 days because it just stopped working, that was several weeks ago and they still have not returned that one.
I have asked for a Return Auth Number to return this 'junk' to them
My sugestion to you it this "GET YOUR MONEY BACK"
You are never going to get that crap running right and if you are having this much problems getting the system to run right , do you really want to trust you personal valuables to it
Not a happy camper !