H J Flynn
The RF receiver, the external serial eeprom
memory and the X10 interface part are all
bit banged in firmware, any software
changes or even a new set of macros will
affect the ability of the CM15 to keep up.
Because of choice of part ( 18 pins versus
24 pin part) the hardware designer had to
use i2c Eeprom instead of SPI Eeprom, the
chip has hardware SPI , i2c takes a lot of
overhead, the CM15a simply can not keep up
and misses RF messages.
Now that I have a real controller(1132CUP
from smarthome) I erased the macros on the
CM15a and use it as a al house code
transceiver , the RF range increased
dramatically, I have a 2 story home +
basement ( about 2500sq ft non including
basement) and I was able to receive from
anywhere in the house; but it would fail to
recognize the RF signal if I trigger the
motion detectors to close to one another;
of course any other transceiver(rr501 …)
has no problem kipping up).
If X10 is listening I would suggest to use
CY8C24794 instead of the CY7C63723,
Among the many pluses this part has to
offer the ability to field upgrade the
firmware; but, then again what do I know, I
only have 20+ years in design with
microcontrollers Intel 8051, Microchip,
Atmel, Cypress ……