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Author Topic: Re: Help! RS Plug n' Power Alarm #49-1000 & X10 #49-1119 (Any X10 Siren Compatib  (Read 21000 times)


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Help! RS Plug n' Power Alarm #49-1000 & X10 #49-1119 (Any X10 Siren Compatibility?) [1 of 4]

Re: Help! RS Plug n' Power Alarm #49-1000 & X10 #49-1119 (Any X10 Siren Compatibility?) [2 of 4]

Re: Help! RS Plug n' Power Alarm #49-1000 & X10 #49-1119 (Any X10 Siren Compatibility?) [3 of 4]

[TTA Edit: Experiment to determine whether or not SPLITTING 'Highly-Viewed' / 'Highly-Replied' but currently

INACTIVE threads from LONG, LONG AGO (I'm starting with ~2 years) into parts will allow current

ACTIVE threads to appear in the Top 10 Topics (by Replies) section of the

Statistics Center (aka More Stats) Page.

NOTE: I *WILL* address the <BR> problem...]
« Last Edit: June 09, 2013, 09:23:23 AM by Tuicemen »

Brian H

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DSS. If you can get a Powehorn and a RS 49-
1000 working. You get a big GOLD STAR!


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okay we might have to call this the "poor man

TRY AT OWN RISK!!!!! I just got it working
yesterday. It hasent had any time to prove

After fooling with the power horn and a light
controller for several days. The PH508 I have
in no way responds from on off commands from
my RS controller. After days of trying to use
signals from my light module to try to
trigger it internally, and surviving those
little tingles(120VAC) produced by their
grounds I have come up with this.

If you jumper pins 4 and 6 on the "little
chip (14pin op amp)" in the horn you hard
wire the Horn on. Mine only produces one loud
tone when plugged in. You can then plug the
horn into a light controller. Yes the light
controller handles the horn, no need to patch
in a light for a load. With the light
contoller set to the RS house and light
codes. It will trigger the horn when the RS
console flashes the lights. Producing a loud
Blast going on and off every second. Yes it
will go off when you Arm/disarm the system. I
have gotten around this by placing the light
controller/horn on a switched outlet that I
can turn off while I am arming and disarming
the system. I am using my left over wireless
switch box from Christams. That way I can
place it up in the vault of my celing where
nobody can reach it and unplug it. Yes I know
on more step or one more remote control is a
pain, but I did say this was the poor man Fix
didnt I. It cost me $11 for the light module
and $10 for the Christams light controler
figuring I bought the horns for $20 I am
still ahead of the game with RS wanting $50
for the Horns when they were selling them.

One more note I havent tried yet. I have one
more horn left over. I was going to go buy
another light module and set it to the second
code that The RS module flashes. This should
increase the freq. of the on off blasts from
the Horns. One should be turning on as the
other is turning off....


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okay it's been 3 days now everything is
still working, and 2 horns going off at the
same time proves to be really annoying!!!!



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I needed a reote siren for my 49-1000. Using
an X-10 appliance module to power a soren as
you well know beeps and drive my dog wild
when I armed the system. I finally built a
siren that simply plugs into the appliance
module that ignores the first on time and
sounds on subsequent on times as long as
they occur with in 15 seconds. When the
alarm stops blinking, the siren will silence
in 15 seconds or so. Although the design is
a little clumbersome, it works well. If
anyone is interested write me at
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