I'm not sure if this would be helpful to conceal your cams? I have two enclosed in a lexan cube which seems dark to the eye but IR cam see's through it.
Used the film mentioned in INFRARED GOGGLES FOR UNDER $10 (Art/Photoshop place has it) in combo to get dark black cube so no one knows it's a cam but get motion detect on it. Obviously it gives you IR B/W image but just a thought.
My yard is full of squirrels but they can't get to birdhouses because hanging and they spin if they try.
Good Luck
[TTA Edit: Combined 2 sequential posts; added description to LINK.]
Excellent Suggestion. I'd like to keep the color IR, but the disguise would keep it hidden and prevent it from being stolen.
Way to go with an excellent AND cost efficient solution, that had still illuded me. I was thinking some type of iron works in front,
but the shiney camera lens would still have given me away, and it would have been heavy and expensive.
Thanks Again!!
If you could post some day and night pictures with your exact formula in blue/red spec/quantity sheets, I'd appreciate it.
This is revolutionary since I think IR is the only camera worth having except for businesses catching shop lifters and employee thefts, as well as watching the crumb snatchers, lol.
So this is the only means of truely disquising IR cameras to my newbie knowledge :-)