Basic hardware comparison CM11a vs. CM15a
CM11a computer interface: it only job is to
process command via serial interface, run
very simple macros and timers from it’s own
external memory.
Microprocessor PIC16C58 clock speed = 4
mhz, 4 clock cycle/ instruction, computing
capacity 1 MIPS(million instructions per
seconds) , 2K code space , 73 bytes ram.
CM15a processor CY7C63723, internal clock
6mhz, instruction are from 4 to 8 clock
cycle, I will use an average of 6 clock
cycle, raw computation speed = 1MPS.
Code space 8K, ram 256 bytes.This part else
has a serious hardware bug in the silicon
GPIO, X10 said that they do not use GPIO,
this means they are not using interrupts on
port pins, they are using polling,
basically slowing down the processor.
As far as computation speed both processor
are equivalent( less the GPIO bug).
The CM15a has to manage additional
USB interface to PC, power line commands,
RF incoming messages(all house codes), RF
transmitter(all house codes) and more
complex macros.
To me is equivalent to a small contractor
who used a pick up truck for his job,
eventually he decides to move up in the
world, and purchased a 3 ton truck; he is
short of cash so he decide to economize so
instead of buying the truck with the
standard engine, he get the same engine
size he had in his pick up truck : a 4
cylinder 2000cc engine.
Data sheets for the microcontroller are
readily available from the web, and so are
the schematic for X10 controllers, you draw
your own conclusion.