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Author Topic: Re: Picture Quality [2 of 3]  (Read 16814 times)


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Re: Picture Quality [2 of 3]
« on: September 01, 2005, 02:14:37 PM »

I trust my top tech employees with decades <BR>of experience more than a stranger on a <BR>public message board. <BR> <BR>There are many "tech" areas in I.T.  You <BR>need to speak with people who have <BR>extensive experience designing, writing and <BR>supporting software. <BR> <BR>Everyone has a "friend" they call a "top <BR>tech".  Some of the worst advice I have <BR>heard come from these so-called experts. <BR> <BR>When these 'experts' contradict the <BR>experienced paid professionals their advice <BR>goes beyond bad into dangerous. <BR> <BR> <BR>

Picture Quality [1 of 3]

Re: Picture Quality [3 of 3]

[TTA Edit: Experiment to determine whether or not SPLITTING 'Highly-Viewed' / 'Highly-Replied' but currently

INACTIVE threads from LONG, LONG AGO (I'm starting with ~2 years) into parts will allow current

ACTIVE threads to appear in the Top 10 Topics (by Replies) section of the

Statistics Center (aka More Stats) Page.

NOTE: I *WILL* address the <BR> problem...]
« Last Edit: April 24, 2007, 12:45:17 AM by TakeTheActive »


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Re: Picture Quality
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2005, 05:15:05 PM »

So Mark.. here what you have contributed so
"are you seriously trying to blame X-10
because YOU cannot turn off your own
"Turning off the firewall is a simple step
which immediately determines if the
firewall is the problem.."
"You obviously have no experience in the
I.T. field,"
"nor do you know how web  browsers work or
you wouldn't make such  ignorant
" If you can't do something as simple as
turn  off your firewall, then you have no
business installing ANY software."
You sure has been helpful Mark!!

I for one appreciated Ken's feedback on his
experience with x10 products.


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Re: Picture Quality
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2005, 06:08:33 PM »

lol Heather, good point... you know what i do
agree with you completely on your point,
however mark i will say this, his comment to
"breifly" turn the firewall off to see if it
is that that is causing his problem is not a
bad idea... so right on for that help.. but
everthing else heather said i am on the same
page with. right on


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Re: Picture Quality
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2005, 07:33:02 PM »

I read first that it was not Ken but x10
that could not figure out the problem and
then x10 discovered that it was the way in
which it sent the software & the security
it placed on it.
So being able to disable the firewall is a
mute point. Ken never stated that he did
not know how to disable the firewall as
Mark put forth.


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Re: Picture Quality
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2005, 07:50:35 PM »

MARK: You really need to loosen up with the
identity crisis problem. It's OK Bud, you
don't have to prove any thing to any one.
There - now will you stop being so arrogant,
self-centered and egotistical?

If you can't be constructive, can you at
least shut up?

Please don't feed the Troll



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Re: Picture Quality
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2005, 07:52:36 PM »

MARK: Kebn offered up that X-10 admitted to
a flaw in their security so if you can't be
constructive, can you at least shut up?

Please don't feed the Troll



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Re: Picture Quality
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2005, 09:36:37 PM »

Mark is clearly off base - as pointed out by
Joe, NoTaReTuRnInGcUs, Heather, and in other
posts, by other Responders to his gurggles.
I see X-10 has admitted that the problem is
their security.

As for his comment, well, the system is
your's and disabeling the Firewall is your
choice. I wouldn't do it.

If Mark thinks doing so will install the
software from the X-10 server and is
confident nothing else will get through - he
should turn his off as a preliminary test

Mark is a Troll - I would ignore him.

If you are bored, and want to have fun, just
Post a reply to him using his name - it's
such a insecure Forum it's easy to do.  I
might, just to see him erupt. :)
Maybe everybody should Post as Mark - maybe,
except for you, everyone else IS Mark -- I
won't try to wrap my head around that one or
we'll all be in trouble.


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Re: Picture Quality
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2005, 09:50:56 PM »

Let's apply what Mark said "I trust my top
tech employees with decades of experience
more than a stranger on a public message
Since Mark is a stranger on a public
message board DON'T TRUST his advice to
turn off the firewall.


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Re: Picture Quality
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2005, 02:55:48 PM »

That's exactly right ... don't trust
strangers on this board with your software
or security.  Evne me.  That was my point.

Any I.T. professional you trust should know
at least know how to shut off a firewall,
test for conflicts, and resolve hardware
and software conflicts.  If they cannot -
find someone with more experience.

Or you can gamble with the advice of people
on an annonymous board. If they have given
advice without knowing what hardware (all
components and peripherals) and software
(O/S, versions, upgrades, configurations,
customizing, ports blocked, allowed, etc)
you have, then it will be meaningless

If you shut off your firewall and determine
that is the problem (a common issue), then
you can refer to their manual/website or
contact the company (ie: Symantec) and get

Or you can blame someone else and gripe
here with the occasional racial slur.  


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Re: Picture Quality
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2005, 12:26:22 PM »

Mark said "  here with the
occasional racial slur."

Racial slur??????  Man - you are a sad case.
This forum is for and about CAMERAS, not
your soapbox. Can't you be constructive
about "cameras" or are you going to continue
as a self-centered egotistical myopic

Darn - there I go - feeding the Troll - oops!


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Re: Picture Quality
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2005, 12:31:45 PM »

Nice back-peddling ...  It's humourous
seeing a racist trying to redeem himself.
Hard to do without an apology.

I didn't make the racial slur - which was
NOT about cameras.  But if I stand by and
say nothing then I am as guilty as the
racist.  I will defend anyone against
racism when I see it.  I don't really care
if you don't understand the concept.



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Re: Picture Quality
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2005, 06:31:03 PM »

if this was your world mark then everyone
could see "your" view, but guess what, it
aint. not only that when its you and ONE
other person with an issue with the "racial
slur" which was hardly that considering
documentation is sent with the cameras
explaining the very same fact you call a
racial slur. bro, if you are so high and
mighty get to steppin. go out to lunch with
your "top notch" admistrators or whatever you
want to call them. let them play with your
hard on cuz no one here cares about that!!!

i have found a home, some place for me to
inform the public of just how naughty a few
of the posters here are... lets keep it
going. lol!


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Re: Picture Quality
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2005, 08:00:54 PM »

For multi post it seem that sometime the
board dupplicate message because i did send
only one and it end up in multiple
copy...Do you have this problem?

Also any comment on picture post on my web
site? Else ill remove them...

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Re: Picture Quality
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2005, 06:51:46 AM »

Multi posts are not you. The forum from time
to time does that.


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Re: Picture Quality
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2005, 02:14:39 PM »

Well said Mark.  It's amazing how someone
can complain about the fact that X-10 is
paying Chinese people to manufacture their
goods, and then turn around and act
surprised that it was racist.

The hatred blinds even the acknowledgement
of truth and therefore any form of
apology.  We should pity them since
racism is taught.  They usually learn it in
their homes growing up.
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