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Author Topic: Re: ActiveHome Pro Update to v3.186 Available [2 of 3]  (Read 12218 times)

X10 Pro

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Re: ActiveHome Pro Update to v3.186 Available [2 of 3]
« on: April 25, 2005, 03:02:30 PM »

Donald: Thanks for the reports. We'll get <BR>those fixed.

ActiveHome Pro Update to v3.186 Available [1 of 3]

Re: ActiveHome Pro Update to v3.186 Available [3 of 3]

[TTA Edit: Experiment to determine whether or not SPLITTING 'Highly-Viewed' / 'Highly-Replied' but currently

INACTIVE threads from LONG, LONG AGO (I'm starting with ~2 years) into parts will allow current

ACTIVE threads to appear in the Top 10 Topics (by Replies) section of the

Statistics Center (aka More Stats) Page.

NOTE: I *WILL* address the <BR> problem...]
« Last Edit: April 24, 2007, 01:05:22 AM by TakeTheActive »

Bob Taylor

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Re: ActiveHome Pro update to v3.186 available
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2005, 07:28:51 PM »

I've been a happy camper since installing
CM15A diagnostic unit with AHP 3.180.  Made
the mistake of updating to 3.186.  Now I
have a lamp module that will not turn on
via a macro or manualy from the AHP
program.  I also lost the ability to turn
all lights off via a macro.   I use this
macro to catch anything not turned off via
timers.   Pathetic update.......  Ten steps
backwards.......    I plan to restore my
system to remove all AHP software then re-
install my original software then upgrade
it to 3.180 (last know working update).
X10 - What is the link I need to update to
3.180, I do not want to install any of the
garbage after 3.180...

Very frustrating, someone needs a lesson in
delivering quality code...........


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Re: ActiveHome Pro update to v3.186 available
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2005, 09:54:00 PM »

I have noticed similar quirks, all of which
seem to pop up after a software update.

Specifically, after the last upgrade,
DELAYS in my macros were not working at all.

Changing the delay time didn't seem to help.

Deleting the macro and re-creating it
fixed the problem right away.

There was also an odd "hiccup" that worked
it's way in.  I have a simple macro -

Trigger:   A1 On
Macro:     H12 On
Delay 00:02:00
H12 Off

After the software upgrade, the delay
wouldn't work, and it would never send
the OFF command.

Additionally, if I used an RF remote
to turn H12 OFF manually, the ACTIVITY LOG
would show the commands being sent/received,
but the last line in activity log would say:

RF Macro A00TV

Deleting the A1 macro I mentioned earlier,
and re-downloading seemed to fix this.

I wish I had saved the .ahx file before
I had made changes.  Either the updated
software isn't re-defining existing macros
and modules correctly, or perhaps it isn't
updating the CM15 properly after upgrading.


Bob Taylor

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Re: ActiveHome Pro update to v3.186 available
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2005, 10:47:38 PM »

I did not try deleting then re-creating
macro, I did try midifying and saving and
reloading macro, it did not fix anything.

I'm getting to that point where my time
investment in making it work versus
spending more and jumping ship is becomming
a reality.   I sure would like to make it
through the problems and keep what I
invested in, not sure if the time
investment is worth it, life is tooooooooo

Bob Taylor

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Re: ActiveHome Pro update to v3.186 available
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2005, 12:18:17 AM »

Well, lights that are triggered via timers
(same light that macro and AHP manual
switch) are working OK.    Macro and manual
command just do not work with this lamp
module.    I guess having the light work
from timers is batter than anything.....X10
techs - When are we going to see an update
that fixes problems and does not cause 20
more ????? Something is lacking in your
quality control, this stuff is not that
complex or technicaly leading edge.......

Fix problems, move forward without screwing
up everything already fixed.......


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Re: ActiveHome Pro update to v3.186 available
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2005, 01:32:13 AM »

What's going on in the activity monitor?

I'm curious to find out of it is recognizing
the trigger for your macro, if it is not
RUNNING the macro, or if it just isn't
getting a signal over to the lamp module. .


Bob Taylor

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Re: ActiveHome Pro update to v3.186 available
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2005, 11:53:09 AM »

Both Macro and manual switch in AHP show
correct events in the Activity monitor.
Failure is only one lamp out of five (H5),
others work fine.  Others can manualy be
controled via AHP switch also.  RF to lamp
and timers to lamp work fine.

Danny Rego

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Re: ActiveHome Pro update to v3.186 available
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2005, 12:01:22 PM »

Ok...what the hell is going on here?  After
an update to this version, my CM15A is not
detected properly by my windows machine,
but if I go in, and disable it, then enable
it (in the control panel), it is detected.

Also...for the life of me, I can't seem to
get my active-eye motion sensor to work now.

Will there ever be an update that doesn't
cause significant hassle?

Bob Taylor

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Re: ActiveHome Pro update to v3.186 available
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2005, 12:08:44 PM »

Anyone know what the web page is that I can
go to to re-install a past version of AHP.
I will restore my system, install AHP that
came with hardware then update to 3.180
instead of 3.186.   Someone plesae point me
to the download for 3.180.... Thanks.


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  • Roger H.
Re: ActiveHome Pro update to v3.186 available
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2005, 01:50:30 PM »

Bob:  Try

Bob Taylor

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Re: ActiveHome Pro update to v3.186 available
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2005, 02:23:43 PM »

Thanks Roger.  

Danny Rego

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Re: ActiveHome Pro update to v3.186 available
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2005, 03:03:32 PM »

I've narrowed it down
appears that my active eye (according to
the activehome software) is transmitting an
ON, and OFF signal at the same time.

In the activity monitor, it says M1
ON....but in the UI, I see both the ON and
OFF macros for M1 going at the same time?!

My delay is set to 2 minutes.  Anyone have
a clue on this?  Is it a software problem?

Bob Taylor

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Re: ActiveHome Pro update to v3.186 available
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2005, 03:40:29 PM »

I'm back on Version 3.183 and having none
of the problems I saw with 3.186, gonna
stay here till someone says a future
version is stable....  What a Zoooooooo !

X10 Pro

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Bob Taylor

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Re: ActiveHome Pro update to v3.186 available
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2005, 05:25:00 PM »

Thanks X10 - I opted to load 3.183 versus
3.180, used download link. Fixed my
problems with 3.186.....
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