As we all wait patiently for AHP to develop, debug, and post their latest update with their solution to this annoying but not urgent problem, here's something to think about. Let's be optimistic, and assume they actually do post the new version in a couple of weeks, as Leroy suggested to me when I called Customer Support a few days ago. DST is scheduled to end this year on November 4, instead of October 28 (the old traditional last Sunday of October method). Is anybody willing and eager to go to the trouble of
testing the new version when it comes out, rather than waiting until October 28 and November 4 to come around? I'm somewhat reluctant to mess around with the dates and times in my PC, in order to push those future dates into the CM15A to see what it does. I use my computer for lots of other (more important) applications, and I don't want to risk messing those up if I were to temporarily put the date ahead several months to test the new load. Is anybody willing to test out the fix when it comes out? Maybe somebody with a PC dedicated to the AHP application?
I assume the test would involve:
A) Set up some timers - perhaps to go on at 8 am and 11 am.
B) Set the computer date to Friday 10/26/07, and the time to the current actual time. Do a download to set the date/time in the CM15A. (Disconnect the computer!)
C) The next day (Saturday 10/27/07), the timers should activate at the correct time.
D) The next day (Sunday 10/28/07), the timers
should again activate at the correct time.
E) Set the computer date to Friday 11/2/07, and the time to the current actual time. Do a download to set the date/time in the CM15A. (Disconnect the computer!)
F) The next day (Saturday) 11/3/07, the timers should activate at the correct time.
G) The next day (Sunday 11/4/07), the CM15A
should move its internal clock back an hour, so the timers
should activate an hour late.
Anybody willing to give it a try when "the fix is in"?