Just updated to 3.203. iWitness now will record video from a macro but does one of the following two thing.
1. records about 35 seconds of video instead of the 2 minutes the macro is set to record.
2. about 80% of the time it starts to record video, and gets the infamous "The Application Active Home Pro has encountered an error and needs to close. And asks if you want to send info to Microsoft.
Running Windows XP Pro, all updates applied. On a 1.0 GHz P3 with 512 MB memory. Nothing else running, dedicated to home automation. Active Home Pro, iWitness, Smart Macros and My House.
If I switch the macro to record stills at a 2 second interval, I get stills at intervals ranging from 2 to 12 seconds, but at least I don't crash.
If anyone needs any files or any other info, let me know. And thanks in advance for any help.