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Author Topic: VT37A not sending video and video crashing Showtime  (Read 11015 times)


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VT37A not sending video and video crashing Showtime
« on: July 31, 2007, 01:59:43 PM »

I just installed the VT37A VGA video sender and it works great....with still pictures.  I can get a shot of my Desktop and I can use Showtime to view pictures.  But when I open a video in a media player, the window it opens in goes blank and if I try to open a video in Showtime it crashes the program.  It all looks fine on my PC monitor and I'm using movies in approved formats(avi, mpeg, wmv).  I've connected my video sender through a second port on my Nvidia graphics card and used the clone option to send the signal to my TV.  Does anyone have some suggestions?

HA Dave

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Re: VT37A not sending video and video crashing Showtime
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2007, 09:05:21 PM »

I just installed the VT37A VGA video sender and it works great....with still pictures.

 I've connected my video sender through a second port on my Nvidia graphics card and used the clone option to send the signal to my TV.  Does anyone have some suggestions?

Could it be your "clone option" isn't working correctly?
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