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Author Topic: Vanguard software  (Read 5520 times)


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Vanguard software
« on: May 30, 2007, 05:34:50 PM »

to make a long story short,
I used this Vanguard software with wireless flood cams.

After over 100 hours of trouble shooting, talking to cust. service, emailing with tech support, uninstalling and reinstalling over and over and over and over. This stuff never worked right. Some times it did, but most times did not. Now my computer constantly crashes, locks up, freezes and is slower than ever............. even after I uninstalled this software!!!!!!. Customer service was terrible and the tech support was worse. They'll tell you anything to sell you this stuff, but once you have it , you're on your own

Not reccomended, stay away from this one. ruined my computer system
very unhappy
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