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Author Topic: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?  (Read 35971 times)


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I need a little help.

When I built my new home I specified three sets of flood lights. One set on both sides and the last set at the back of the home. Unfortunately, the builder wired all of the sets together on a single switch.

If I want to control these flood lights individually, what is the best solution? Will I need to purchase three of these or is their a better solution?



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Re: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2007, 08:32:52 PM »

That is what we use here - controlled by a single Leviton 16400 4-button wall-mounted controller.  In our case they are pigtailed off various circuits with no in-line switches at all.

FYI, you can pick them up from legitimate dealers on eBay for an excellent price.  Just be careful to include the shipping charge when you compare prices.

« Last Edit: June 03, 2007, 08:35:24 PM by JeffVolp »
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Re: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2007, 08:38:53 PM »

...When I built my new home I specified three sets of flood lights. One set on both sides and the last set at the back of the home. Unfortunately, the builder wired all of the sets together on a single switch.

If I want to control these flood lights individually, what is the best solution? Will I need to purchase three of these or is their a better solution?

Welcome to the forums Kelly!

It's a "piece-of-cake" to correct. Personally, I find that although Smarthome has a 'nice catalog' and carries MANY items, they are WAY OVERPRICED! As a ~30 year X10 user, you CAN'T BEAT the X10 SALES. Get yourself some PR511s.

Also, I have, IMHO, a 'nifty' (ain't that an old word!) way to mimic the 'smarter Leviton Floods with PR511s and a CM11A or CM15A. Unfortunately, I just did an ADVANCED SEARCH and discovered that I haven't CONSOLIDATED the idea into one post yet :-[ , but if you also do an ADVANCED SEARCH on Keyword: PR511 UserID: TakeTheActive, you'll find them.

Briefly, you 'custom' wire the PR511s with an additional WS12A on each (ignoring the internal relay / blue wire in the PR511) and then MOTION on ANY ONE triggers *ALL* the others.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2007, 08:48:15 PM by TakeTheActive »
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Re: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2007, 08:44:34 PM »

What's the difference between the PHS01 and the PR511's? I like the idea of a computer interface, but I need a CM that'll work with a Mac.


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Re: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2007, 08:59:19 PM »

What's the difference between the PHS01 and the PR511's?

I don't have many part numbers memorized. Did you do a SEARCH? Maybe the same item, X10 Pro # (longer warranty) vs X10 #...

...I like the idea of a computer interface, but I need a CM that'll work with a Mac.

Keywords: CM11A, HeYu, Charles Sullivan ;)

Also, talk to Duck69 - MAC EXPERT!!

My idea mimics the functionality of the Leviton X10 Motion Detector 6417 (for MUCH LESS $$$!)
« Last Edit: June 03, 2007, 09:01:27 PM by TakeTheActive »
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Re: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2007, 09:08:09 PM »

I just read your Advice to X-10 Newbies post and it seems like you like the Leviton brand much better than the X10 brand. If Leviton is truly better built, shouldn't I consider this?

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Re: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2007, 09:14:16 PM »

If Leviton is truly better built, shouldn't I consider this?

Looks like X10's floodlight to me!
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Re: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2007, 09:31:22 PM »

I just read your Advice to X-10 Newbies post...

Oh my goodness! SOMEBODY ACTUALLY READ IT?!? :o

...and it seems like you like the Leviton brand much better than the X10 brand. If Leviton is truly better built, shouldn't I consider this?

I just "attempted" to view the X10.Com website to lookup any CURRENT *DEAL* on the PR511, but...

I've had Firefox open for several days (11:45:00 CPU TIME) and it's now EATING 450,xxx K of RAM on my 512MB P3 933 and PAGING like a Bandit - adding TWO TABS for X10 DEALS just about killed it (TONs of pauses, mouse freezes), so, I'll have to re-boot and come back. But (again a but...) just like NEVER is difficult to qualify, my PR511s have been in service for YEARS. [PAUSES / FREEZES are getting worse...] One Leviton vs 2 PR511s for the same price is also something to consider. I'll be back shortly... :P
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Re: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2007, 12:27:27 AM »

it seems like you like the Leviton brand much better than the X10 brand. If Leviton is truly better built, shouldn't I consider this?

Regarding Leviton vrs X10 floodlights, physically they are very similar except for color.  Leviton is brown; X10 gray.  The X10 floodlight has the ability to control up to 4 sequential addresses ABOVE its own unit code.  The Leviton adds the ability to control other floodlights set to the SAME unit code.  So if motion triggers one, they will all switch on.  The X10 floodlight can also have the dusk sensor trigger up to 4 sequential addresses, but the Leviton does not include that feature.  The Leviton manual I have doesn't say anything about their Intellisense (R), which is what they call the AGC used in their better X10 modules.  Other than color, and the operational differences, they are basically two versions of the same unit.

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Re: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2007, 06:12:44 AM »

it seems like you like the Leviton brand much better than the X10 brand. If Leviton is truly better built, shouldn't I consider this?

The X10 floodlight has the ability to control up to 4 sequential addresses ABOVE its own unit code.  The Leviton adds the ability to control other floodlights set to the SAME unit code.

So if I had each floodlight on it's own unit code, they should be able to trigger each other if needed, right?


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Re: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2007, 09:17:28 AM »

So if I had each floodlight on it's own unit code, they should be able to trigger each other if needed, right?

No, it doesn't work that way.  The X10 floodlights will only control the 4 next unit codes HIGHER than their own (with fold over after P).  So the lower coded floodlight can certainly control a higher one.  However, that higher floodlight cannot also control the lower coded one.  The Leviton version also sends out a command on the SAME unit code.  Unless you use a macro, that is the only way motion detected by any floodlight will trigger all of them.

Here they are on different addresses, and the Ocelot decides what to do.

FYI, these floodlights do have a quirk that lightning can trigger their motion detect cycle.  Often during summer storms they will come on in response to lightning.  I don't know whether this is a phenomenon unique to the X10 floodlights, or whether other motion detector floodlights exhibit a similar problem.

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Re: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2007, 09:20:37 AM »

No, it doesn't work that way.  The X10 floodlights will only control the 4 next unit codes HIGHER than their own (with fold over after P).  So the lower coded floodlight can certainly control a higher one.  However, that higher floodlight cannot also control the lower coded one.
Is this always the case with these devices? So, theoretically, I can setup the X10 floodlights to trigger one another with a macro? Where can I find out more info about macros?

« Last Edit: June 04, 2007, 09:45:38 AM by kcrossley »


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Re: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2007, 10:32:50 AM »

Where can I find out more info about macros?

A macro is a series of commands triggered by another command.  For example:  D4 ON -> F4 ON, F7 ON, G13 OFF.

Some allow conditionals, such as:  If F2 is OFF and D4 turns ON, then do something...

How it is programmed depends on your controller.  Your manual or help file should get you started.  If you use a CM11A or CM15A, then a search here should turn up a bunch of info.

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Re: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2007, 11:47:10 AM »

What's the difference between the PHS01 and the PR511's? I like the idea of a computer interface, but I need a CM that'll work with a Mac.

Then you will need a CM11 and a Mac program like "Xtension" from Sand Hill Engineering. The newer CM15 is USB, but I don't think there is Mac software for it yet.
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Re: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?
« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2007, 06:01:50 PM »

My X10 floodlight is the "heart" of my perimeter alarm system!

I use the +1-4 codes to turn on a Camera, interior light, and chime... as well as trigger a macro in my AHP. The macro, triggers the VCR commander (the VCR commander requires a RF signal, and the floodlight only sends PPL), and then switches (or scans) through my cameras (hopefully increasing my changes of catching something on tape).

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