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Author Topic: Alternative Camera to replace NightWatch Wireless Low-Light B/W Video Camera  (Read 87330 times)


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I originally bought the 4 camera webview/multiview package because it sounded like it could handle dark, let alone, low light conditions.  I mainly wanted them for night time use while the kids were sleeping and I also wanted them so my wife could check on the kids without having to actually run all over the house and or back/side yard.

I found it pretty useless in my home as I couldn't see anything in a room that didn't have at least 100W of light.  I am currently trying to use them for outside use and have them working adequately except something is causing my computer to BSOD/reboot...  If you care to try to help with that please reply in thread:

I am intrigued by Dave's comment:
have several cams... 2 are IR cams, one of which is the Astak. In the set-up with the Astak I have four cams in a hub at one location. There I have used a four device- auto detecting- video modulator. It outputs the video and sound to video ports and well as (TV) channel 3 or 4. It is made by RCA and I picked mine up at Walmart.
  I currently have our Satellite system running through our whole house via the old cable runs on channel 70.  I would like to take the camera feeds and also run them on a designated channel (3,4,77, etc) so that they can be viewed from any TV in the house and use the RF remote to change cameras...

Lastly, just in case anyone is curious, I accomplished my goal of being able to check on the kids while they are sleeping by putting in a Motorola phone system with camera modules.  I bought the first ones through a business account with a pretty steep discount and then the rest for about 70% off at a store closing.  They are not as flexible as the X10 cameras but my wife can use them with ease in a pinch (click "connect to" on any phone in the house and click a drop down list with the names of the kids).  The phone screens are not the best resolution and I don't know if the video can be piped out but it meets our main objective.  It is certainly easier at 2am to grab the phone from the night stand and see/hear rather than turning on the PC or TV and the other benefit is that we can talk to the kid(s) over the built in intercom.  Lastly, we can answer the phone now from their rooms and or transfer calls to their rooms.  Below is a link if you care to check it out:

The cameras:
(note: Due to IR LEDs, these do see well in the night.  I am not sure but these may be more secure than standard X10 RF broadcasts.)

The phone/viewscreens:
(note: the screens are small but OK for limited use)

Lastly, with the phone system we can answer our cell phone calls and/or use our cell phones to make outgoing calls.  It is nice to be able to put our cell phones on the charger yet still be able to use them...


HA Dave

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I had said the auto-switcher was made buy RCA.... but I was mistaken... its made by Phillips (this is a link). I picked it up at Walmart, same place I got the Astak IR cam.
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Thanks Dave.  I originally couldn't find the RCA one so did a bunch of googling.  Found lots of neat stuff including a modulators that could take at least 3 inputs and broadcast them on 3 different cable channels but no where near as inexpensive as the one at Walmart.  Still not sure I need that but it was fun research anyway.   
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