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Author Topic: Remote Mouse (JR20A) mouse functions quit working  (Read 10270 times)


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Remote Mouse (JR20A) mouse functions quit working
« on: June 06, 2007, 12:09:41 PM »

I have one, but the mouse functions have recently quit working.  Everything else works.  All I really need is the remote, but the only way I can find to buy a new one is part of the remote & receiver package, and I don't want to spend another $50.  I found one on eBay, but they still want $35.  I'm a cheapo, what can I say? 8)

I'd be most interested to see if anyone might have any suggestions on how I can regain my mouse functions.  I've replaced the batteries and removed them for an extended period of time- no luck.  I know the problem is at the remote and not the PC since the LED doesn't light any more when one of the mouse keys is pressed.  Plus, like I said, everything else works (PC, CD, TV...).

If you have one (even one with the receiver) you've outgrown, please let me know.


« Last Edit: June 06, 2007, 03:59:33 PM by TakeTheActive »
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