Brian H I am looking at the same schematic posted elsewhere, made a lot more "sense".
Pin 6 (B) changes state (I think it goes high). .047uf charges through 33K and 1K in series to common. 33K and 1K divided down the pulse with the smaller portion on the SCR trigger. SCR triggers; pulsing the coil from Neutral through the SCR to Line which is the COMMON of the board.
I believe the .047uf across the 1K shapes the pulse and adds some noise immunity.
If 6 is normally High and goes low then the .047uf cap on B discharges and the pulse is the opposite polarity.]Pin 6 (B) changes state (I think it goes high). .047uf charges through 33K and 1K in series to common. 33K and 1K divided down the pulse with the smaller portion on the SCR trigger. SCR triggers; pulsing the coil from Neutral through the SCR to Line which is the COMMON of the board.
I believe the .047uf across the 1K shapes the pulse and adds some noise immunity.
If 6 is normally High and goes low then the .047uf cap on B discharges and the pulse is the opposite polarity. Ok I am really new to electronics but I can "see" what you are saying. Off to do more reading. I found a site that does a great job explaining how electronics work (especially transistors in this case as they resemble a scr)
Line on common also means extra care with meters and Scopes that most times have a grounded shield on the probes. BANG! Huh

I bet you learned that the hard way.
One again Thank you