Over a year ago (well before OnAlert) I did a modification to extend the ARMED LED of my DS7000 Protector Plus to be visible outside (at my garage door).
The reasons for this were:
- 1) To see that the remote did ARM the system when leaving home
- 2) To know when to DISARM when arriving home
- 3) To know that the remote did DISARM the system
- 4) Upon arriving home, if the LED is flashing then the system has been tripped
Prior to this mod, the protocol was to get out of the car, place ear to front door, listen for ding, ding-ding, or ding-ding-ding-…. Low WAF method of ensuring system ARMED or DISARMED.
Even with OnAlert, there is still no feedback with AHP to verify the DS7000 ARMED or DISARMED correctly. If for example a window was left opened, OnAlert will still ARM, but the DS7000 would continuously chime in an UN-ARMED state. To me, this was unacceptable.
I recently completed all the documentation for this mod, and now I can share it. As always, with any mod, only do it if you are comfortable doing it and realize that you will void any warranty and when opening any product you risk causing damage.
So with the warnings out of the way, here it is:
1) I installed an extra 1/8" jack into the side of the PS561

2) This new jack connects to an LED Interface which houses an LED for local ARMED status, and a 2-wire connection for the external ARMED LED.

3) The 2-wire connection for the external LED is routed to the outside corner of my garage door.

4) Modification to the PS561:
- (a) Extreme caution must be exercised in opening the PS561; there are a lot of connections between the two halves and therefore you can only separate them a small amount as seen in the following photo. Too much movement between the two halves could result in breaking internal connections.
- (b) The two halves are held together with 4 screws, one inside the battery compartment and three underneath (3 of the 4) rubber feet.

5) And finally, the schematic of the LED Interface.