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Author Topic: Guests\newbies wishing to get fast answers! please read!  (Read 25489 times)


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Guests\newbies wishing to get fast answers! please read!
« on: November 26, 2006, 09:10:01 AM »

This post is more for guests wishing to find answers!
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Just tried to post as a guest last week and couldn't!( this seems to be an ON again OFF again setting)
Read mmallari's post: General Forum Etiquette -- PLEASE READ
I have Just re-posted my msn messenger id  it contains my e-mail address! although I rarely check it! For faster responces try PMing me (you must be a member to do this as well) or catch me in yahoo or msn E-mailing me is a slow process (may be days or even weeks before I check it)
The answer to many of these emails could be found on the forum if one took the time to Search!
Newbies check the thread  Newbie - READ ME - What I wish I knew before I realised I did not know it ! for potential start up issues!
Since Yahoo couldn't find a reason to create a Home Automation Chat Room KDR took on the task. He spent much time and resources to set up a Home Automation Chat Room for all members and non-members.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2009, 09:15:20 AM by Tuicemen »
Please Read Topic:
General Forum Etiquette
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