Update from weekend work:
- Dug up the underground box and everything looked good, in fact better than I anticipated. All contacts for AC power outlet, X10's, and trnasformers were in very good shape.
- Changed the Home Control settings somewhat so that commands were not overlapping. Previously I had the unit code 7 & 15 going on at dusk +30 minutes and going off at 11:00 pm. Now unit code 7 going on at dusk + 30 minutes and unit code 15 going on at dusk +45 minutes. Both still going off at 11:00 pm. Unit code 14 was going on at 6:00 a.m. and going off at 6:00 p.m., no change.
Well, unfortunately, nothing got any better. All three units codes (7, 14, & 15) do not respond to "on" codes but do respond to "off" codes.

Last night I sent commands from Home Control through thre CM11a and they work just fine as do the commands from the handheld remote.
Not quite sure where to go from here, but first thing is to buy a NEW CM11A and install that, hopefully the problem is with the one I have and that will fix the problem.
Any suggeestions?