Any other ideas?
I go with the "undocumented enhancement" theory. And, with the history of POOR COMMUNICATIONS in X10 Corp, don't expect the telephone Tech Support to know much about it.
If anyone wants, I can video record and post what I am having.
I would like to have one of your switches for experimentation and observation purposes. Perhaps I can get
MichaelM involved to see if you indeed received some "flukes"

, or the WS467 was recently "enhanced" (like the LM465

...however when I press the button to turn it off (a quick tap), it dims off on all 3 modules. Same to turn on.
I have an ~20 year old "One-Way WS" (either X10 or RadioShack - too long ago to remember) that I modified per instructions that I believe I found on
Ido's site. Briefly, best as I can remember, I removed the push-button and slide switches completely, made a simple mod to the circuit board, soldered 2 wires to the circuit board, extending them through the hole from the missing switches, attached them to a modified (added the spring from a ball-point pen under the paddle to force it to become momentary) Leviton non-X10 paddle switch and dremeled the 'ears' off the WS so that I could "stuff" it into the utility box *BEHIND* the modified Leviton switch.
Since this is a 'one-of-a-kind' in my house, it's sometimes difficult to remember that
ON requires a 'quick tap' or else you're stuck in the BRIGHT/DIM cycle. If I do forget though, which happens often, a release followed by 2 'quick taps' usually turns it
OFF then
ON. Personally, I cannot see X10 Corp providing an "additional-cost-to-manufacture" enhancement without passing that cost along to the consumer, so - do 2 'quick taps' work for your version?