Ideally though, any posting will have some
useful element and not be childish whining.
Much like Ian, my motivatation for posting
is to not just air grievances to balance the
nearly fraudulant hype of the X10 ads, but
also to open discussion on making these
rather complex products work. X10 does not
produce decent documentation; the smart
macros doc for example isn't even
completed. Instead we get a huge collection
of grab bag parts with an almost infinite
number of ways to combine them. Most of
these combinations don't work at all, many
work pretty well, and some work quite well.
I toss out an hour or so of free engineering
and in return, so far, get some percentage
of that back from postings like Ians. Of
course in order to find the rare nugget of
useful information I have to sort through a
LOT of pointless postings.