I am in the same boat, with having already reduced lighting costs and electrical power consumed by the lights.
But have been thinking.....
I also reduced the electricity used by replacing the computers old "tube" monitor with a LCD monitor. I wonder if replacing that old 36 inch tubed TV with a 40-42 inch LCD TV might represent significant electric savings. Hey .... if would help the environment!
I went "hog wild" in my first house, using X10 and my CP290 to control electricity usage throughout my house, including heat and hot water. With that, also came a lot of inconvenience, especially on days that I didn't follow my normal routine/schedule. For example, try to take a shower at 10am instead of 6am, and I found there was no hot water.
Then my refrigerator died, and I replaced it with a new energy efficient model.
You know, my electric bill dropped more because of the new refrigerator, than for all the electricity reduction I did by cutting back on my electric heat and hot water.