(You say Normally Open, I say Normally closed...... let's call the whole thing off..... )I should have been clearer.... or more vague. Ether way...
I have found success! I now have a voice reminder when the garage door is left open.I created four separate macrosMacro one and two
"door open" and "door closed", simply turn the light (a small night light) and a chime ON and OFF (in reverse of the powerflash ON/OFF).
These two macros I saved to the interface. They need to work even if the PC is down. The "door closed" also turns OFF a ghost module, to be mentioned below.
The other two macros are the
"timer" and the "reminder". They run only on the PC, because without the PC and
BVC.... there is no voice reminder.
"Timer" is triggered when the light is turned ON. The "timer" delays for ten minutes, the turns on a ghost module.
"reminder" macro is triggered by the ghost module (turned ON by "timer"), a condition requires: If the powerflash unit is still OFF (door open) then turn ON (another) ghost module (on a non-monitored code). This ON is heard by
BVC[/color]'s listener and reminds me (via a voice announcement) through speakers up and downstairs in my home.
The "reminder" macro also turns the night light OFF, delays a couples sec's then turns in back ON, resetting the "timer".