Brian, good find about the FCC ID per the
other thread! I had no idea it was actually
made and/or designed by X10 (least so we
strongly suspect). If that's the case then
that's even more dissappointing to me (the
fact that it doesn't work with its own brand
of devices it is supposed to/advertised to
work with if that's the case). I've yet to
hear from RS per my second email to their
technical support department regarding when
or if they are actually going to issue a
siren that works or recommend some sort of
fix. Thinking in the back of my mind
previously I was thinking that the unit
could be actually designed and/or made by
X10 so just in case, I emailed their tech
support department as well. Have yet to hear
anything from X10 either on the issue. Of
course thanks to you we know "why" the 49-
1000 is having this issue. RS couldn't even
give me that. Thanks for all the good
research/testing into this unit and these
issues, I'm sure you'll keep us updated on
any further findings! Brandon