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Author Topic: Help! RS Plug n' Power Alarm #49-1000 & X10 #49-1119 (Any X10 Siren Compatib  (Read 66698 times)


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First of all, fix your phase coupling <BR>problem with a phase coupler so all outlets <BR>will work and you may need a filter to get <BR>rid of electronic noise caused by your <BR>computer.


Hello everyone, I purchased a Radioshack Plug N' Power Wireless Alarm that states it is compatible with Plug N' Power devices. It also says clearly that it is expandable to external sirens, Radioshack states they are having "compatibility" issues with the X10 Sierens it is "supposed" to work with however could not elaborate on those problems. They could only tell me to "try it" and see what happens. I purchased Cat # 49-1119 X10 Powerhorn Siren, it looked like the newest so I figured it was best to try this one. Well, I got it to work, only on certain outlets however it activates and will sound for 10 seconds then shut itself off? If I plug it into certain outlets in the house or sometimes if the computer is on or something it won't sound. I also purchased additional sensors for this alarm, have become very used to using it and would like to just be able to make an external siren work as ADVERTISED by Radio Shack. They couldn't give me any details on when this problem may be worked out or if they will be coming out with another siren. Can anyone please help me by giving me some additional information on this, are there any sirens that work or any tricks as to what Housecode and Lightcode I should set the alarm and siren to? I mean would any particular code work better than others? Any information on this would be greatly appreciated!


Re: Help! RS Plug n' Power Alarm #49-1000 & X10 #49-1119 (Any X10 Siren Compatibility?) [2 of 4]

Re: Help! RS Plug n' Power Alarm #49-1000 & X10 #49-1119 (Any X10 Siren Compatibility?) [3 of 4]

Re: Help! RS Plug n' Power Alarm #49-1000 & X10 #49-1119 (Any X10 Siren Compatibility?) [4 of 4][/size]

[TTA Edit #2: Experiment to determine whether or not DELETING the OP (*AFTER* copying it into Reply #1) in 'Highly-Viewed' / 'Highly-Replied' but currently INACTIVE threads from LONG, LONG AGO (I'm starting with ~2 years) will allow current ACTIVE threads to appear in the Top 10 Topics (by Views) section of the Statistics Center (aka More Stats) Page.]

[TTA Edit: Experiment to determine whether or not SPLITTING 'Highly-Viewed' / 'Highly-Replied' but currently INACTIVE threads from LONG, LONG AGO (I'm starting with ~2 years) into parts will allow current ACTIVE threads to appear in the Top 10 Topics (by Replies) section of the Statistics Center (aka More Stats) Page.

NOTE: I *WILL* address the <BR> problem...]
« Last Edit: August 26, 2007, 02:35:25 AM by TakeTheActive »


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You can tell if you have a phase problem by
checking to see if all outlets work when a
220 volt dryer is running.

Brian H

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After many tests with a RS 49-1000 [I have
one]. It will NOT work with both X10
powerhorns. The problem is the timing of the
signals as the RS flashes two security
addresses. With a PH508 [I don't have the
smaller one but was helping someone with the
same problems] you need 2 to 4 ON/OFF cycles
to trigger it. The RS sends the addresses
incorrectly to trigger the powerhorns. As I
observed on an X10 Line Signal display from
my controller. The person that I was helping
here also found thet the RS 49-1000 didn't
properly trigger their Sonic 3000 siren
either. Their older RS unit [similar to the
X10 DS700 only white] did work with the the
powerhorns and Sonic unit.

Brian H

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First a correction was a Sonic SS-300
Two message threads in this forum by Jeff.
"X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working"
"SS-300 Sonic Outdoor Siren and X-10"
Both are RS 49-1000 related and details are
in those two threads. Depending on message
activity maybe on page 2 or 3 of the

Brian H

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49-1119 is an X10 SH10A
49-1120 is an X10 PH508

Brian H

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Try it in the same outlet as the power brick
for the 49-1000. That will give it a strong
signal and help test for weak signals caused
by being on the other phase of the house
wiring and noise things. Computers are
frequent noise and signal absorbing things.
Mine needed an X10 type filter on the UPSs
line cord to stop about a 50% signal loss in
the line. Since yours does make some noise I
am guessing the timing is slightly shorter
for yours than my PH508 that will not even
chirp. Have you tried the remote sending an
ON-OFF cycles; push the on then off buttons
repeatedly for the address the powerhorn is
on. It will probably sound after about 2 to
4 cycles and keep sounding for about 4
seconds after you stop pushing the remotes
ON OFF buttons.

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Thanks for the info guys! So I'm assuming
there would be no difference if I
purchased/tried the other X10 powerhorn
then? Still can't believe Radioshack
continues to advertise this unit on the box
and on their website as expandable to
external sirens when they don't offer one
and don't know when they will offer or if
they will offer a fully compatible external
siren. Then on top of all that they can't
even explain/describe the actual
compatibility issue they are having. I'll
probably send them an email and give them a
hard time. It's just dissappointing that I
got the external siren to work fine but it
only sounds for 10 seconds no matter what I
try. Thanks for the info and things to
consider, I'll be checking into it and
experimenting further . . . .

Brian H

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Did a test of the 49-1000 and an X10 DS7000.
Tested on House Code B1. Using the panic
trigger on the remote. Received on an X10
Advanced Controller screen for my third
party controller. cm15a is in the box.

DS7000 sends when triggered:
B All Lights ON
B All Units OFF
Will trigger a PH508

49-1000 sends when triggered:
PH508 will not trigger.

My personal thoughts from reading the X10
manuals on how the Powerhorns work. The 49-
1000 sends codes that mess up the cycle and
it never triggers properly.

Brandon one thing not found in the manual.
On the remote if you push BOTH Arm and
Disarm Buttons you get an instant Panic

Brian H

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Did one more test. With a PH508 [Set to B1]
Powerhorn and my controller. Cycling
commands maybe 1 to 2 seconds between them.

A B1 ON OFF cycle will trigger it.

A House Code B All Lights ON All Lights OFF
will trigger it

A House Code B All Lights ON All Units OFF
will trigger it.

Brian H

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After rereading the DS7000 Manual and more
testing on the PH508. The siren is designed
to trigger on the house unit code it is set
to, or an ALL Lights ON All Units OFF or an
All Lights ON all Lights OFF. Cycling in an
ON OFF of about 1 second. The RS 49-1000
sends the extra sccurity light code that is
one digit higher than the one set on the
console. I think it is stopping the sirens
from properly triggering.

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Thanks for checkin' that out . . . .

Brian H

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You are welcome. I have the smaller SH10A on
order and will do some tests with it maybe
late this week or early next week.

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Brian, good find about the FCC ID per the
other thread! I had no idea it was actually
made and/or designed by X10 (least so we
strongly suspect). If that's the case then
that's even more dissappointing to me (the
fact that it doesn't work with its own brand
of devices it is supposed to/advertised to
work with if that's the case). I've yet to
hear from RS per my second email to their
technical support department regarding when
or if they are actually going to issue a
siren that works or recommend some sort of
fix. Thinking in the back of my mind
previously I was thinking that the unit
could be actually designed and/or made by
X10 so just in case, I emailed their tech
support department as well. Have yet to hear
anything from X10 either on the issue. Of
course thanks to you we know "why" the 49-
1000 is having this issue. RS couldn't even
give me that. Thanks for all the good
research/testing into this unit and these
issues, I'm sure you'll keep us updated on
any further findings! Brandon  

Brian H

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If you go to the Radio Shack web site and
look at the 49-1119 [SH10A] and the 49-1120
[PH508]. They list the modules as only being
compatible with the older 49-2551A [looks
like an X10 DS7000 only white]and do not
list the 49-1000? The FCC database has been
a great help for not only X10 stuff [some
new stuff actually has submitted schematics
and parts lists] but alo computer boards I
am testing. X10 also made the Black and
Decker Frewire stuff. In that case the
modules are compatible but all the RF
Remotes and Tranceivers are different, 418
Mhz and not the X10 standard USA frequency
of 310 Mhz.

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Yeah, however the 49-1000 Alarm itself says
it's expandable to external sirens on the
RS website in its description and on the
box. Unless they just recently removed it
in result of myself (and probably others)
giving them a hard time (doubt it though).
I'm hoping they'll just issue a siren that
is compatible however I am doubting at this
time that they will. They didn't seem to
really care or have any information as to
when or if they will be doing anything.
They couldn't even elaborate on
the "compatibility issue", where you were
able to figure the entire issue out
yourself and figure out what's happening.
My last follow up email sent a few days ago
has not recieved any replies so it seems to
me that RS just doesn't care, regardless of
if they are basically falsely advertising
the thing (as far as I'm concerned).
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