The DS7000 has allowed me to use its many features to create a monitored home fire alarm system without having to pay monthly fees! This is how I did it.
I have smoke detectors that triggers a DS7000 (PS561) when smoke detected. I used a First Alert Smoke Detectors Model SA304 with internal light (available at Wal-Mart $15.00). I soldered two wires to the coil of a 5 vdc relay (relay available at Radio Shack $4.50) and soldered the other wire ends to the light wires on smoke detector. I was able to solder the wires from the relay coil to the smoke detector light leads by using a small flat screwdriver to slightly pry wires away from plastic divider and keep the smoke detector light operational. The smoke detector light should try to be saved as this also provides emergency lighting in event of fire. An X10 DS10A door/window sensor was then wired to the normally closed contacts of relay - I removed and discarded the magnetic switch from door/window sensor.
When t he smoke detector senses smoke and turns on it's light, it also opens the relay contacts and the X10 door/window sensor then triggers the DS7000. If DS7000 is not armed, it will chime , if DS7000 is armed, it will alarm and call cell phone numbers I've pre- programmed.
When the DS7000 calls me with an alert, I can trigger the DS7000 so that I can listen in on home with the DS7000 built-in microphone! Although I have not had any false alarms (knock on wood), this could be very helpful in determining if it could be a false alarm or a real alert. In which case I have neighbors that have said they will check my home for me if I'm not at home when notified of an alarm. The DS7000 can be programed with up to four phone numbers and will cycle through these numbers until it gets and answer. The DS7000 can also determined if it reached an answer machine and go to the next pre-programed phone number and call it. This is helpful if I lose cell phone signal connection, if my cell is tu rned off in a doctor's office, while attending religious services, or in a movie theater!! I always get permission first before adding someones phone number to the DS7000 call list.
I have one DS7000 that I use for security and another that I use for a fire alarm. Each has separate messages recorded - one for break in, one for fire.
The DS7000 and the door/window sensor combination can be used for almost any in- home or away from home alert system that you can come up with, such as water level. I'm currently working on a third DS7000 system to use for a high and low temperature alert system. Great for a vacation home.
Should anyone like this mod and consider doing it, should be aware that the mod will most likely void the smoke detector warranty. You may be able to use clips on the connectors instead of soldering. I did this mod so that my DS7000 would call me in event of fire, overriding concerns about the smoke detector warranty. Anyone that rem embers the Florida fires a few years back and have pets can understand wanting to know what is going on in there home while away. In addition, I wanted to replace a smoke detector in my garage that could not be heard inside home. This mod also solved that problem. I now have four smoke detectors modified and reporting their status to the DS7000.
Some electrical knowledge was required to perform this modification, for instance, be able to solder and to read diagram on back of relay package for correct pins to use.
This system has been operating successfully for over two years now with the only maintenance being the annual battery change.
I am not on here that often, so I may not respond to questions for some time.....