X10 Zone > Article Discussion
New Dangers with the newer CFLs
I still use them in my socket rockets!
HA Dave:
--- Quote from: birdzeye on December 16, 2010, 11:07:01 AM ---I know this is an old thread but is this problem with CFLs still true? Are they still OK to use with x10 socket rockets?
--- End quote ---
According to the SocketRockets (LM15A) manual "Screw an incandescent light bulb (up to 150W) into the LM15A. Do NOT use with fluorescent lamps!". I guess that says it. Although it doesn't really explain it.
My electronic knowledge is very limited. I do use the SocketRockets with LED lights... and I don't think that is recommended ether. I don't as-of-yet completely trust CFL's. Although I DO use CFL's... I am cautious in there applications. I try to only use them in non-enclosed fixtures and in upright positions.
I am not an all-in or all-out type of guy... I mix technologies. With lights I use incandescent, CFL's, LED, regular florescence [tubes], Halogen and sun.... they're all good. Each type of lighting has it's best use... where it out-shines the other types. I try to use the best light in the best [most correct] conditions. While typing this.... the ONLY lighting in my entire home is coming in through the windows.
What is X10 recommending for CFL's now?
In the past, I have used CFL's for some of my X10-controlled lighting. I used them mostly in Socket Rockets but a few were controlled by appliance modules. I say I used to use them because I don't any more. Why? Because the ones I was using either started out very x10-noisy or became that way eventually (within a few months). I'd like to use them again but the noise produced by the ones I was using made so much X10 noise, the X10 control in the rest of the house became unreliable. (My XTBM helped me out a lot with tracking that down.)
Anyway, since some of you are using CFLs successfully, I need some help with trying to use CFLs again without the same result.
* Are there certain brands that work well without my previous issues -- or isn't it brand-related?
* Do I need to filter each circuit or bulb?
* Any other things to think about?
dave w:
Since this thread has been resurrected I'll toss in my $0.02.
I use Socket Rockets with CFL's and LED bulbs with success.
Socket Rockets use a triac to supply power the bulb, and any triac WILL add a small amount of distortion at the beginning of the sine wave when the triac first gates ON during each cycle. An LED bulb that has a dozen or more of small LEDs, usually wired in a series arrangement, should have no problem with the small amount of distortion, and an incandescent bulb could care less about distortion, hence they work fine with dimmers.
However, CFL bulbs and LED bulbs with one to four large LED die in a spotlight style configuration (PAR 20, PAR 30, etc) have small power supplies built in the bulb base which supplies a low DC voltage to the die (dice for you perfectionists). And these tiny power supplies may not tolerate the distortion. Any CFL or LED bulb that is "DIMMABLE", as stated on the bulb packaging, should be completely tolerant of any distortion. The possible problem will be with non dimmable bulbs. I know of no way to predict compatibility, other than a cautious sustained test.
Dave X10's cautious approach, using only specific applications and enclosures, is on the mark.
When I first use a CFL or LED controlled by a Socket Rocket, I first test the bulb/socket rocket combination in a unenclosed test socket fixture placed in the middle of a open area on a concrete floor, for 24 hours. If after 24 hours both the SR and the base of the bulb is not unduly warm then I consider it safe (if you can't touch the SR or the non metal portion of the bulb base with bare finger tip for an extended period, then it is over heated).
IMHO X10 recommends ONLY incandescent applications for SR because they have no way of determining what CFLs or LEDs of the thousand on the market, can be used with Socket Rockets. So rules of liability dictate non use if any CFL or LED use.
Also, the rule is CFLs and LEDs can not be used with two wire wall switches. And only dimmable CFLs and LEDs can be used with three wire, dimming wall switches or Lamp Modules.
The information to take to the bank is: IF you choose to ignore X10's stern warning of "incandescent lights only" be very cautious and do some acceptance testing before considering it safe.
Is there any way to update the link to the original article? (I suspect not.) It asks me to "choose a city," suggesting that the original is no longer available.
...or perhaps a similar, newer, item is available?
Thanks. We can all use a safety reminder.
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