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Author Topic: Motion timed Modules  (Read 6128 times)


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Motion timed Modules
« on: October 26, 2007, 10:33:18 AM »

Active Home Pro  Ver. 3.204
I needed to control modules for Halloween props. I wanted a motion detector to turn on certain modules and have those modules run less than a minute. I could not find anything here that suited my needs so I played and came up with this. Motion activate modules and macros turn them off 15 sec. later.

Time Delay
1.   Create Macro
2.   Name Macro
3.   Select where to reside
4.   Change trigger code to same as Module #
5.   Drag Module you want to control into Macro and set to (ON).
6.   Drag Delay Module into Macro.
7.   Set delay time (if you want your module to run for 15 sec. change time to 15 sec.) :D
8.   Drag same module from step 2 into Macro and set to off.
By doing this I now have a motion sensor that when it turns on a module, that module will only run for 15 sec.


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Re: Motion timed Modules
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2007, 02:56:11 PM »

metkit: Welcome to the forum; and thanks for sharing how you worked around the 1 minute minimum cycle time of a motion sensor.

One suggestion I would add is to use a condition (like a status flag) to prevent your macro from multiple triggers.

The motion sensor has a reset time of usually between 5 & 10 seconds (based on ambient/active IR levels), and since this time is less than the 15 seconds delay you are using, your macro can be triggered more than once and can cause your expected cycle times to become erratic.
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