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Author Topic: ps 561, kr10a, sh624 and needed remotes to arm/disarm alarm  (Read 11136 times)


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ps 561, kr10a, sh624 and needed remotes to arm/disarm alarm
« on: October 14, 2007, 02:18:49 AM »

Is it possible to arm/disarm the ps561 (ds7000) alarm system with something different than the kr10a /sh624 remotes ?

Possibly a ahp / on-alert plug-in ?

I suspect that's not possible due to the encryption needed for the ps561 to work, but...

BTW, on AHP, the ds7000 is visible but it seems that this module is useless because there is no available function/poll.

Thank you for your help.



Charles Sullivan

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Re: ps 561, kr10a, sh624 and needed remotes to arm/disarm alarm
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2007, 06:17:09 AM »

Is it possible to arm/disarm the ps561 (ds7000) alarm system with something different than the kr10a /sh624 remotes ?

Possibly a ahp / on-alert plug-in ?

I suspect that's not possible due to the encryption needed for the ps561 to work, but...

BTW, on AHP, the ds7000 is visible but it seems that this module is useless because there is no available function/poll.

Thank you for your help.


AHP with the OnAlert plug-in can Arm the DS7000 but not Disarm it.

Yesterday it worked.
Today it doesn't work.
X10 on Windows is like that.

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