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Author Topic: Louder siren / external siren?  (Read 19735 times)


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Re: Louder siren / external siren?
« Reply #15 on: October 21, 2007, 12:36:55 PM »

have checked and all is ok.

I wonder if it could be triggering the macro when the sensor sends signal to console to let it know its functioning. maybe that signal is triggering the macro.



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Re: Louder siren / external siren?
« Reply #16 on: October 21, 2007, 01:29:31 PM »

I wonder if it could be triggering the macro when the sensor sends signal to console to let it know its functioning. maybe that signal is triggering the macro.

That's why I wanted you to check and make sure none are set to trigger on "Sensor Closed".  ;)
If none are, then this hourly check-in signal will not trigger the macros.

Make sure no other X10 modules/macros address is set to the same HC & UC as the siren.

Make sure no motion sensor is set to the same HC & UC-1 as the siren.

HA Dave

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Re: Louder siren / external siren?
« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2008, 03:03:59 PM »

I've been thinking about an external siren... (although to be honest... PARTLY so it can/could be spotted by any potential intruder). I was thinking of turning it ON/OFF by mounting a sound activated switch near a large powerhorn. 

But then I realized... wouldn't it be simpler just to somehow modify a powerhorn or large powerhorn to activate a relay. I (of course) did a quick search.. and found this post:

The larger PH508 Powerhorn has the pc board area for a relay addition and a place in the rear cabinet for a set of output screws. Why X10 doen't have a relay added type only they know. The trick on the triggering the siren is it should only trigger with a set of ON OFFs as some controllers can send an All Lights ON and we don't want to trigger our siren on a single ON..........

Has anyone done anymore with this?

« Last Edit: January 18, 2008, 03:13:49 PM by Dave_x10_L »
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Re: Louder siren / external siren?
« Reply #18 on: January 18, 2008, 03:21:42 PM »

Dave - I've been looking for the same information too, but so far haven't heard any success stories, so it's on hold.  I have an Elk-150RT siren that I would like to use as an alarm, but I am hesitant to try to activate it with the modified Power Horn relay.  I even bought some of the parts for a potential relay modification, but chickened out on the following mod.

MSUN2000 on July10, 2006 on the Forum:

"I also found another document to modify the PH508 as relay using different components but sorry I couldn't remember where I got it from (google), but anyway here it is:



One of the great shortcomings of the X-10 wireless security system is the lack of an interface to external devices, like a strobe and/or siren, to alert neighbors of a burglary or other emergency situation.  The following modification adds that capability.

When an alarm is activated, the base (receiving) unit wails its siren and sends out alternately, at about one second intervals, the signals ALL LIGHTS ON, ALL UNITS OFF.  This has the effect of flashing all lights on the same house code.  You can buy a remote, plug-in power siren which has been designed to trigger when it receives 4-5 on-off cycles, alternating its two-tone horn in synch with the ON-OFF signals.  However, it is not suitable for outdoor installation.

As noted by others, the power siren circuit board contains space for an optional external relay interface circuit, although units with this option seem never to have been produced.  It would provide a low-voltage contact closure (30VAC, 2A max.).

In this note I will describe how to make the modification, based on schematics from X-10 engineering and my own testing.  This improves upon earlier recommendations in the X-10 FAQ.


Install the following components in their marked location on the circuit board:

    R30      470 ohm 2 watts     do not allow to touch other components
    R31      2.7 K   1/2 watt    just fits: do not substitute or leave out
    R32      2.7 K   1/4 watt
    R33      100 K   1/4 watt
    R34      100 K   1/4 watt
    R35      150 K   1/4 watt
    R36      1 K     1/4 watt
    C18      10 uf   16 volts    + on board is marked with a diamond
    D16      1N4001  1 AMP diode
    TR8      TEC9014 (almost any 100ma NPN switching transistor will work)
    RL1      5 volt, 72 ma DIP relay, Radio Shack #275-243

Remove R8 (or just clip the leads).  There may be a resistor in parallel with R8, remove it also.  This was used to keep the unregulated and unloaded + supply from floating up too high, and is now taken care of by R31.

Activated (and unmodified), the unit consumes about 70ma, powered on the - side by a 100ma regulator.  The relay modification consumes an additional 70 ma, over-taxing the power supply and regulator.  Even though it will still work for a brief time when activated, you risk having the regulator shut-down or the transformer overheat.  To get reliable operation within safe-area limits, change the wiring to the piezo elements.  The unit comes from the factory in which all four elements are wired in parallel.  Change the wiring so that they are in a series-parallel configuration, reducing their current drain from 50ma to 12.5ma, and reducing their total sound level from 105db to 99db.

             --| |--    --| |--
          __/       \__/       \__      (piezo element wiring change)
            \       /  \       /
             --| |--    --| |--

You should maintain consistent polarity when rewiring the elements, and if you are clever, you can do it by removing one brown wire at the top, switch the polarity of the other brown wire at the top, and use the wire you removed to relocate and extend the blue wire to the opposite side (cover the exposed connection).  Since you are going to hook up an external siren presumably, the loss of indoor volume should not pose a problem (I think it's too loud anyway).

Finally, you need to install screw terminals in the slots provided.  I used terminals taken from an X-10 door/window sensor in which I permanently soldered the wires connecting to the magnet.  Before installing them, you must break off the side tabs which are on top and next to the screw, otherwise the rear cover of the case won't fit.  They don't quite stick up as high as I'd like, so if anyone has a better source of screw terminals I'd like to know.  Now, remove the adhesive cover plate on the rear cover, and write in red marker next to the terminals "30 volts, 2 amp max."

So from the docs it looks like a safer mod but it'd be interesting if someone can verify this" 
« Last Edit: January 18, 2008, 03:44:26 PM by JMac »

HA Dave

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Re: Louder siren / external siren?
« Reply #19 on: January 18, 2008, 06:56:59 PM »

Dave - I've been looking for the same information too, but so far haven't heard any success stories, so it's on hold.  I have an Elk-150RT siren that I would like to use as an alarm, but I am hesitant to try to activate it with the modified Power Horn relay.  I even bought some of the parts for a potential relay modification, but chickened out on the following mod.

Gee... I look at that mod and think.... I wonder if I can put the large powerhorn in some sort of weather-proof case.
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Re: Louder siren / external siren?
« Reply #20 on: January 18, 2008, 08:37:01 PM »

I was going to do that but I wanted something louder.  As loud as the Powerhorn is indoors, it's nothing compared with the Elk outside.

HA Dave

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Re: Louder siren / external siren?
« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2008, 03:22:21 PM »

Ok... this has my attention. I've done some testing and found that if I put a Chime (SC546A) (set to ANY H/U) in a (adapted) SocketRocket... with the SocketRocket set to the DS7000's House Code... it will chime when lights turn (flash) ON.

So I got to wondering.... could a ordinary SocketRocket and a chime be made to trigger an exterior siren?

I disassembled a chime and clipped the little wires that go to the little speaker(?) device.

I then cut a little groove in the Chimes case and re-assembled the chime, with the little wires feeding to the outside of the case. I setup my little meter... but got no readings. I am not real good at this stuff, but I couldn't get ANY voltage reading. Interestingly... I did hear a very faint chime sound. So I set my meter as a continuity tester.... and sure enough that sounded the closed circut buzzer.

I am not sure what I have here... is this an audio signal? Could I use this to close a very low-voltage relay? Anyone out there have any ideas?
« Last Edit: January 22, 2008, 11:25:55 PM by Dave_x10_L »
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HA Dave

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Re: Louder siren / external siren?
« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2008, 06:22:49 PM »

I connected the little leads that attached to what appears to be the "speaker" inside the chime.... to an actual speaker. And it chimes just like the chime did.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2008, 06:36:04 PM by Dave_x10_L »
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