I built an IR Led bar to illuminate the inside of a flying squirrel box so I could film them ion the dark.
I used about 6 or 8 to illuminate a 12h x 12w x24 deep inch box
Don't rememember which ones I used but I can go find the part number if you need it.
I got them a Mouser electronics.
www.mouser.comIt takes quite a few Infrared Led's to illuminate an area.
Two of my camera's have a ring of about 12 Led's around the lens and they will only illuminate maybe 10 feeet or so in front of the camera at night.
They sell accessory Infrared Led lamps but they are pricey.
If you build an infrared led array, you will have to have a power supply like a wall wart.
All led's need current limiting resistors.
The resistor value is chosen based on the led's operating current and the working voltage you are using.