On the PC without the AHPro:
I found another version of the Firecracker software on the X10 site, that is NOT Linked on their software download page, but rather on the Firecracker Product/Sales page.
I installed that one, and it works on the PC without AHPro. But still bombs on the one with AHPro, as you said it would Tuicemen.
The one on the download page
http://www.x10.com/support/support_soft1.htm is named...
xfire.exeIt's the one that would work right after install, but bomb after rebooting the machine and produce the error above.
The one that worked has a link on this page:
http://www.x10.com/automation/ck18a_s_ps32.html(and a few other pages have the link to the same file to download the same file name...)
and is named...
ck18a.exeAfter doing a clean install of this file, the virtual Palm Pad hasn't failed to open after rebooting the PC.
X10 folks... you have a problem on your website....!!!Now,
I found a real fun project.
I'm not a programmer, just a EE, but I've taught myself in the past some basics with PHP, JAVA, and I've been doing webdesign since 95....
So I'm no programmer, but I figure things out it out and this one was worth doing, it was fun in the end...
Here's a MS VB project to make your own custom desktop Firecracker controller. You only need to invest some time and a down load of
MS Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition, which is FREE!
Then download the project files from this page:
http://www.rentron.com/FireCracker.htm Which also walks you through it a bit. I didn't need any of that info, more so was learning the structure of the buttons, windows, and commands and how MS VB editor worked.
I just wanted On and Off control. The gent that did it has all the required communication instructions for the Firecracker's on and off and dim and brighten.
The sample project files were done in an older MSVB editor, but the new one will import them and with about an hour of some self tutoring and picking and hacking, I made what I needed from it. Adding Fields and buttons for unit codes, and have the unit codes and house codes preset to where I want them for each PC, for each room. But still left the drop down window of temporary changes are needed for a unit code or house code. The fun part is, it's easy to totally make a new one, edit or change, and just plop the new one on the machine.
I left a couple of spare channels.
To run the .exe you'll make from the MSVB project, you need .NET Framework 2.0 (you can down load it through auto update for MS XP, 2.0 and 3.0 are available, I took 2.0 since that was what was recommended and installed it on the other machine)(or go straight to here..
On the machine you installed the MSVB2008 on, you'll get the .NET Framework with it.. but to run what you built on a different machine, you'll need the .NET Framework on that different machine.
It ain't as pretty as the virtual Palm Pad, but it's fun and works with the AHPro installed.
Here's two I made... (The pull down adjustable windows, you can set the presets on them, so they are what you want them to be as their defaults when it starts up - no need to readjust each time)