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Author Topic: Help me unfustrate with my MT14. I think. Please  (Read 19550 times)


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Re: Help me unfustrate with my MT14. I think. Please
« Reply #105 on: March 03, 2021, 10:01:31 AM »

a good Wednesday to all
I bring us all to the final chapter titled, Closure.

The rebellious xps3 was replaced by a 6291 (thank you Bruce), and in the last 24 hours, he has been very obedient.
I no longer get to do 55 abs a day, to the right side, to check for the lights being on.

What's the destiny of that rogue xps3?? I'd like to install it elsewhere to see if the rebelliousness will continue. Or maybe I will just leave it as it is, and store it for future use with the question unanswered. Maybe everything in our lives doesn't have to be perfect.

I thank you all for your help with this because it truly has been funstrating figuring it out.


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Re: Help me unfustrate with my MT14. I think. Please
« Reply #106 on: March 03, 2021, 12:19:42 PM »

What's the destiny of that rogue xps3??
I haven't been following this entire thread, but perhaps you can take some solace in the fact that I also had an XPS3 which, after a long and useful life, suddenly turned guerrilla with strange, but reproducible, response characteristics.  I never made logical sense of my findings, but replacing it with something else solved it, as it did for you.

Brian H

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Re: Help me unfustrate with my MT14. I think. Please
« Reply #107 on: March 03, 2021, 06:11:30 PM »

If it was the XPS3 from me.
It was new but very old stock.
Knowing X10WTI's QC standards back then. It is possible it was strange in the box or the power supply capacitors dried out due to age.
Glad a substitution of the questionable module. Seems to have found the problem.

My search has found the 6291 has from the sales information "Protection: Intellisense Technology."
I believe that is AGC and the XPS3 does not have AGC. That could also play into why it worked and the XPS3 did not.

If you didn't get the modules sales information. File attached.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2021, 06:55:07 PM by Brian H »


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Re: Help me unfustrate with my MT14. I think. Please
« Reply #108 on: March 03, 2021, 09:05:25 PM »

If it was the XPS3 from me.
It was new but very old stock.

Indeed it was sir, and I understand. I recall reading that the newer xps4's have that AGC feature.

Brian H

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Re: Help me unfustrate with my MT14. I think. Please
« Reply #109 on: March 04, 2021, 06:23:22 AM »

It is possible the power line signal to the modules location. Is not ideal.
If it is not ideal and has some line noise. AGC maybe helping.
Noise has been known to do strange things with X10 modules.

The XPS4 has AGC as pointed out in the X10Pro area of the X10 sales site.
It also has a more silent style relay. So you don't hear its clunk across the house.
Though some found the clunk an indication the switch changed its status helpful.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2021, 06:54:04 AM by Brian H »


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Re: Help me unfustrate with my MT14. I think. Please
« Reply #110 on: March 04, 2021, 11:10:50 AM »

I think the the XPS4 is the rebranded Leviton 6291 which was actually made by X10 for Leviton for its DHC (Decora Home Control) premium X10 brand.  The DHC line had to be more reliable since it was being marketed to electricians through electrical supply companies and no installer will tolerate a product that generates a lot of callbacks.  The DHC line expanded to include their 'Red' and 'Green' lines with scene control and "no code wheel" programming.  When I outfitted my first home in Los Angeles with X10 stuff from DAK I ran into all the usual issues with X10 with no idea how to solve them - and no internet to find answers!  I don't remember how I found them but I ended up visiting Dyer's Electric in the San Fernando Valley (about 20 minutes away from me in 1984 LA traffic = 1+ hours today).  There I met Jim Wilson, their DHC/X10 guru who gave me a ton of documentation, which I still have, from both X10 and Leviton.  The DHC stuff was too expensive for me then so I only bought the Leviton X10 signal test kit and what is now called the XPNR Noise Reducer which solved my problems at the time.  I still have those too!  ;D


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Re: Help me unfustrate with my MT14. I think. Please
« Reply #111 on: March 04, 2021, 04:45:41 PM »

[...]no internet to find answers[...]
[...]I ended up visiting Dyer's Electric in the San Fernando Valley[...]
[...]There I met Jim Wilson, their DHC/X10 guru who gave me a ton of documentation[...]
I love old stories about how we used to accomplish the same things before the advent of instant access to knowledge and commerce.  I can recall such goose chases, spending hours crawling phone books, asking questions, and writing down new phone numbers, and the long trips using *gasp* paper maps to look at items in person.  Though I developed those skills and can still explain to the whippersnappers what the "disconnected" life was like, I may be of the last generation that will be able to impart that experience.  I was also able to see the growth of BBSes, the golden age of commercial online services, and the birth of the commercial Internet as a teenager, which itself was already a toddler by the time I became an adult.  So you could say that I grew up in both worlds.


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Re: Help me unfustrate with my MT14. I think. Please
« Reply #112 on: March 05, 2021, 10:13:24 AM »

...I was also able to see the growth of BBSes, the golden age of commercial online services, and the birth of the commercial Internet as a teenager, which itself was already a toddler by the time I became an adult.  So you could say that I grew up in both worlds.

I remember the BBS's accessed by "blazing fast" 9600 baud dial-up modems.  In fact, I became a member of GEnie, General Electric's answer to Compuserve.  There was actually an X10 forum there that started around 1986 and I became the moderator of that form and received free time and a small check monthly based on forum traffic.  No graphics back then just monochrome text on a CRT.  My grandkids can't imagine life before the internet just as I couldn't imagine life before TV, my parents life before radio and my grandparents life before electricity!  Times have certainly changed.  Imagine what the next generation will think of today!
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