I apologize in advance if these have been covered. I really did spend time searching, but there is so much out there and my search skills are limited.
1. Since AHP on the home computer must be up and running to log on remotely to myhouse, is there a method of starting an unattended home computer and booting up AHP say at 5PM every afternoon for an hour or long enough to check on cameras remotely. Like on a 2 week vacation.
2. When I log on remotely (I'm excited I can finally manage this much), I have to expand a small screen then all the buttons and videos are way out of proportion. Was wondering if this had something to do with both computers set to different resolutions.
3. When starting up AHP after waiting for all the plugins to register etc. whatever, I get a featured plug in, home security, remind me in X minutes screen. Doesn't seem to do anything. Whats it for?
OH and one more while I'm here please:
Whats that double bar thing at the bottom of the screen next to the time that reminds me of the fabric feeder part of a sewing machine under the needle
THANKS All this X10 stuff is very challenging and I'm having loads of fun making everything work. Besides being beneficial, its cheap entertainment and a inexpensive, worthy hobby
mike x10 fan